CPIC Posters

SDSU has a long tradition of students presenting posters at conferences like the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) annual meeting and exposition or the SDSU Day of Scholars. Below you can find the posters CPIC student researchers have presented over the past few years.

Drs. Sharrel Pinto, Aaron Hunt, Erin Miller, Alex Middendorf, Deidra Van Gilder, Yen-Ming Huang, Chamika Hawkins-Taylor, Ben Hause, Chun-Ming Lin, Nick Elgersma, and Chris Robbins, Ms. Hiruni Amarasekara, Mr. Jacob Ford and other members of the CPIC team have each assisted with one or more of these posters.

Department or Landing Page
Community Practice Innovation Center
Page Paragraphs



Miller poster
Perceptions of substance use disorder in rural areas: How the brain disease model impacts public stigma
With the START-SD team facilitating grant management and oversight, collaborating organizations can focus on leading patient- or project-centered work.
Improving project implementation and collaboration through university-led grant management


Poster image
Public stigma towards substance use disorder (SUD): Pilot survey study in South Dakota
Poster image
Stigma experienced by people who use substances in rural South Dakota

The 1815 Project


Dickinson Poster image
1. Why Rural Health? The Need for Pharmacy Transformation and Innovation in Rural America
Hulterstrum Poster image
2. Improving the Health of South Dakotans through the Prevention and Management of Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: A Landscape Analysis - The Payer Perspective
Kotschevar poster image
3. Improving Awareness of Enhanced Pharmacy Services Among South Dakotans with Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: A Quality Improvement Innovation Project
Kabella poster image
4. Improving Health Care for South Dakotans with Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases: Practitioner's Outlook
Sirek poster image
5. Improving the Health of South Dakotans Through the Prevention and Management of Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD): A Landscape Analysis - The Patient Journey


Blanchette Poster image
Comparing Practitioner Perspectives in Rural versus Urban Settings


Vanden Hull Poster image
1. Development and Evaluation of a Qualitative Documentation Tool to Share High Impact Patient Interventions Through the Lens of Community Pharmacists in South Dakota
Schultz Poster image
2. Improving the Health of South Dakotans through the Prevention and Management of Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: Practitioners’ Perceptions of Barriers to Care of American Indians
Kimball poster
3. Assessing the Impact of a Central Pharmacist Coordinator and Medication Therapy Management Training on Patient Interventions Across a Midwest Community Pharmacy Chain


Vanden Hull poster image
Impact of a Targeted Approach to Recruiting Patients into Medication Synchronization and Medication Adherence Packaging Programs