Mycoplasma Task Force


In late October 2021, the Center of Excellence for Bison Studies (BisonCOE) assembled a team of approximately 20 scientists, stewards, managers, veterinarians, and researchers as a Task Force from various sectors, agencies, universities and stakeholders to collaboratively advance research related to early detection, treatment and prevention of Mycoplasma bovis in bison.

In the 2021 season, there were 21 stakeholder-reported herd cases throughout the U.S. and Canada according to SDSU BisonCOE internal reports. They were widely distributed from Oregon to Pennsylvania and from Saskatchewan to Texas, with most occurring along the Great Plains. The northern Great Plains (i.e., North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming and Montana), where most of the current active cases occur (16/21; 76%), are home to 63% of the bison population.


Click the button below to catch up on the updates from the Mycoplasma in Bison Task Force. 

Task Force Updates

Other Helpful Information

2022 USDA Livestock Indemnity Program for Bison with Mycoplasma

M. Bovis Factsheet (2022) - National Bison Association

Necropsy Field Kits

2013 USDA Emerging Disease Notice

Breakout Box
Have Questions?

If you have questions about this project, please contact Dr. Jeff Martin.

If you have specific questions about Mycoplasma testing, please contact Dr. Angela Pillatzki.

Need to submit samples for diagnostic testing?
Microscopy of dyed cells

Please follow the link below to SDSU Animal Disease Research and Diagnostics Laboratory to submit samples.

SDSU Vet Med Diagnostics Lab

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Center of Excellence for Bison Studies