Child and Family Resource Network


To promote the quality care of children through educating, supporting and connecting the individuals involved in their lives.

The Child and Family Resource Network was established in 1990 as an outreach office at South Dakota State University to provide information and resources for users and providers of child care and their families. Currently, the Child and Family Resource Network is a state and locally supported Early Childhood Enrichment (ECE) program which provides training, education and resources to adults who are involved in the day-to-day care of children and youth.

Learn more about the South Dakota ECE System.

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2023 at the Child and Family Resource Network
  • 163 Child care and youth development programs served.
  • 275 Professional development trainings offered.
  • 332 Early childhood providers and educators served with in-person and online trainings.
    • Over 100 hours of coaching and technical assistance supports to early childhood and youth development educators.
  • 255 Children received vision and hearing screenings for early detection.
  • 3358 Statewide professionals served with South Dakota Orientation to Child Care Training.
  • 593 Statewide professionals served with Ongoing Health and Safety Level II Training.

In 2023, the statewide Quality Recognition and Improvement System pilot was launched serving 50 childcare and school age programs across South Dakota. This project will provide feedback to the state on what supports which included professional development and enhancements to support registered and licensed childcare programs.

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