Ann Marie Bahr

AnnMarie Bahr


Professor Emerita of Religion

Office Building

Mailing Address

University Station
Brookings, SD 57007
Ph.D. in Religion from Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
M.A. in Religious Studies from Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
B.A. in Geology from Lawrence University, Appleton, WI
Academic Interests
Geography of Religion, World Religions, Biblical Studies (dissertation on Gospel of John), Indigenous Religions, Religion in America
Academic Responsibilities
Geography of Religion: Europe and USA
Geography of Religion: Latin America and Africa
Geography of Religion: India and China
Geography of Religion: Middle East
Native American Religions
World Religions
Honors World Religions
2011 “Churches and Bridging Capital on South Dakota Reservations and in Rural South Dakota,” (co-PI w/Mike McCurry) funded by South Dakota Humanities Council
2010 “Ground Zero . . . Common Ground“” panel and community discussion on the
proposed Islamic Center near Ground Zero in New York City. (PI), funded by South Dakota Humanities Council
2007 Mini-grant for travel to AACU national meeting for Wingspread panel (January
27, 2006)
2000 Governor’s Grant in Technology
1998 Summer Research Funds
1995 Curriculum Revision Grant for Introduction to Religion
1992 Authored Bush Faculty Development Grant
1992 Grant to bring Dr. Leola Adams, Department Chair of Home Economics at South Carolina State College, to SDSU to work with faculty on understanding African-American culture and meeting the needs of Black students. Dr. Adams' address: "The 1890's Institutions: The Other Land Grant Universities.”
1990 South Dakota Committee on the Humanities Grant for the conference, “Seeds for a New Earth,” held at South Dakota State University, February 27-28, 1990
Professional Memberships
Phi Beta Kappa (1972-present)
Phi Kappa Phi (2007-present)
American Academy of Religion (AAR) 1998-present
Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) 1998-present
North American Association for the Study of Religion (NAASR) 2010-present
International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR 2010-present
American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
Creative Activities
Selected Publications:
Editor of Religions of the World series (13 volumes) for Chelsea House Publishers (2004-2005)
Chief Consultant (academic editor) of a global history of Christianity for Millennium House Publishers (2009)--currently available in five languages
“Preaching without a pulpit” in South Dakota Women: Influence, Action, and Voice, with Priyanka Chatterjee. South Dakota Agricultural Heritage Museum Press, 2012 (in progress)
“Nestorians under the Abassids,” page 142 in Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to the Story of Christianity. Sydney, Australia: Millennium House, 2009
“Religion and Reason: Higher Education’s Opportunities and Challenges” in Miriam Rosalyn Diamond, editor, Encountering Faith in the Classroom: Turning Difficult Discussions into Constructive Engagement. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC, 2008.
“God’s Family and Flocks: Remarks on Ownership in the Fourth Gospel,” pp.91-104 in Covenant for a New Creation: Ethics, Religion and Public Policy, Carol S. Robb and Carl J. Casebolt, eds. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, in cooperation with the graduate Theological Union, 1991.
“Bridging social capital in the churches of rural South Dakota,” South Dakota State University extension publication (in progress)
“Interreligious dialogue, community cohesion, and global citizenship: The role of a religion program in a rural, land-grant university” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 46:2, (Spring 2011), pages 242-250
Letters to the Editor: “The ‘Daimon’ Is in the Details of the Gospel of Judas,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 27, 2008, pB 25-26
“The Right to Tell the Truth,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, May 6, 2005, p.B5
“`Unless a Grain of Wheat’: An Application of Max Scheler’s Philosophy of Sacrifice to Some New Testament Themes,” Proceedings of the Fourteenth European Studies Conference, Karl Odwarka, ed. (Cedar Falls, Iowa: European Studies Journal, 1990), pp.18-26
