Bruce Brandt

Bruce Brandt


Professor Emeritus of English

Office Building

Mailing Address

University Station
Brookings, SD 57007
Ph.D., Harvard, 1977.
M.A., University of Denver, 1971.
B.A, University of Denver, 1969.
Awards and Honors
College or Arts and Sciences 2015 Outstanding Scholar.
F.O. Butler Foundation Award for Excellence in Scholarship, 1992.
Selected for the 1986 NEH Summer Seminar on “Platonism and the Poetry of the English Renaissance.”
Creative Activities
Recent publications include "Marlowe's Use of Amplification in Hero and Leander," in EMLS: Early Modern Literary Studies; "The Harlequin The Taming of the Shrew" in Approaches to Teaching Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew. New York: Modern Language Association of America, and “The Critical Backstory,” in The Jew of Malta: A Critical Reader, ed. Robert Logan, 2013, “Marlowe Studies, 2000-2009, A Bibliography,” Marlowe Studies: An Annual 1 (2011): 193-277, and “The Critical Backstory,” In Doctor Faustus: A Critical Guide. Ed. Sara Deats. London: Continuum, 2010. Other publications include two books on Marlowe and articles and notes on topics ranging from Shakespeare to Ursula Le Guin.
