Eluned Jones

Eluned Jones


Director Emerita of the Ness School of Management and Economics

Office Building



Mailing Address

Harding Hall 102
Economics-Box 2220
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007


Dr. Eluned Jones currently serves as Professor and Director of the Ness School of Management and Economics at South Dakota State University. The Ness School offers BA and BS degrees in Economics, Business Economics, and Entrepreneurial Studies through the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, and BS degrees in Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics and in Agribusiness through the College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment Sciences. The Ness School also offers an MS in Economics with research/thesis and business economics (professional) options. The Ness School has the responsibility to offer general education service courses in accounting and the principles of micro- and macro-economic theory as well as supporting 750 undergraduate student majors; approximately 90% of whom are in agribusiness, business economics, and entrepreneurial studies. The faculty of 30 members comprise a portfolio of research doctorates from accounting, entrepreneurship, finance, management, marketing, agricultural economics, and general economics, as well as practitioner master’s and JD qualified lecturers. The faculty supports an annual teaching workload of over 150 classes and 22,000 student credits hours per academic year and supports the Land Grant missions of the Agricultural Experiment Station and SD Extension.

Dr. Jones holds a BSc.(Hons), University of Bath, United Kingdom, in Horticulture and Management, a MS in Horticultural Crops, North Carolina State University, and a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Texas A&M University.

Prior to joining SDSU in July, 2012 Dr. Jones was Professor of Agricultural Economics at TAMU from 2002-2012 where she also served as Chair of the Intercollegiate Faculty of Agribusiness and directed the Master of Agribusiness (MAB) program, an intercollegiate degree program with the Mays Business School. In spring 2011 she received the Texas A&M Association of Former Students Awards for Graduate Mentoring and was awarded Professor Emerita in 2013. Dr. Jones was advisor to all MAB students and also taught two of the core courses in the program, including the Strategic Management capstone course. From 2002-12 she advised nearly 200 MAB graduates. She has taught and given presentations worldwide, and helped to establish an undergraduate Agribusiness degree in El Salvador and a Master of Agribusiness in Armenia. Dr. Jones was a faculty member at Virginia Tech from 1988-2002 with responsibilities in extension, research and teaching, and initiated and coordinated the MS Agribusiness program with the Pamplin School of Business.

Dr. Jones is a co-recipient of awards for excellence from the Southern Agricultural Economics Association and the American Society of Agronomy, and is a fellow of the Kellogg-funded Leadership Development Program at the National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy.
She has chaired numerous regional and national academic committees relating to food and agribusiness marketing and policy including the American Agricultural Economics Association Sections on Extension and on Food and Agricultural Marketing Policy. She served on the Federal Grain Inspection and Packers and Stockyards Administration Industry Advisory Committee, chaired the Wheat Industry Resource Committee of the National Association of Wheat Growers and was academic advisor to the Soybean Subcommittee of the Grain Quality Workshops. Dr. Jones also draws on her experiences in the private sector as a Marketing Engineer in quality control for Texas Instruments, in cotton and textiles quality evaluation with the International Textile Research Center in Lubbock, TX, and as VP and Director of Livestock Risk Management Research for Drexel, Burnham, and Lambert in Chicago.

Dr. Jones research analyzes political and economic influences on the global agribusiness and food system. In particular, she worked with many emerging market economies on the public (government) versus private role in creating market institutions and in providing oversight, including transparency, traceability and food safety across global supply chains. Dr. Jones engagement with industry leaders, through her applied research and outreach education program, places her in the forefront of discussions on re-positioning management and management succession planning to reflect the global nature of agribusiness and food supply chains and the need to build management teams with diverse disciplinary strengths in life sciences, economic and business analysis as well as cultural and lifestyle diversity.
1987 Ph.D. Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University
1979 M.S. Horticulture, North Carolina State University
1977 B.Sc. (Honors) Horticultural Crops and Business Management, U. of Bath, UK
Academic Interests
Dr. Jones research analyzes political and economic influences on the global agribusiness and food system. In particular, she worked with many emerging market economies on the public (government) versus private role in creating market institutions and in providing oversight, including transparency, traceability and food safety across global supply chains. Dr. Jones engagement with industry leaders, through her applied research and outreach education program, places her in the forefront of discussions on re-positioning management and management succession planning to reflect the global nature of agribusiness and food supply chains and the need to build management teams with diverse disciplinary strengths in life sciences, economic and business analysis as well as cultural and lifestyle diversity.
Academic Responsibilities
Dr. Eluned Jones currently serves as Professor and Head of the Department of Economics at South Dakota State University. The department offers BA and BS degrees in Economics, Business Economics, and Entrepreneurial Studies through the College of Arts and Sciences and BS degrees in Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics and in Agribusiness. The department also offers an MS in Economics with research/thesis and business economics (professional) options. The Department has the responsibility to offer general education service courses in accounting and the principles of micro- and macro-economic theory as well as supporting 750 undergraduate students in 5 majors. Approximately 95% of the department’s students are majoring in business economics, agribusiness, or entrepreneurial studies with economics and agricultural and resource economics accounting for the remaining 5%. The faculty comprises 30 members with a portfolio of research doctorates from accounting, entrepreneurship, finance, management, marketing, agricultural economics, and general economics, as well as practitioner master’s and JD qualified lecturers. The faculty supports an annual teaching workload of over 150 classes and 22,000 student credits hours per academic year and supports the Land Grant missions of the Agricultural Experiment Station and SD Cooperative Extension.
Committee Activities
Co-Chair of workgroup, HLC accreditation.
Provost’s Department Head Development Committee.
Women in Administration Ad Hoc Group co-chaired with Provost Nichols and subsequently with Assist. Vice Provost Helling.

2002 - 2012 Chair, Intercollegiate Faculty of Agribusiness (IFA).
2002 - 2012 Director, Master of Agribusiness degree program; approx. 20 students in each cohort.
2007 -2012 Administrative Team, Department of Agricultural Economics (55 faculty,
~700 undergraduate and ~180 graduate students including the IFA students.
2008 - 2010 Executive Committee, Faculty Senate.
2007 - 2011 Senator, Faculty Senate, Member of the Budget Committee.
5/09 - 6/10 TAMU Task Force on Shared Governance. Appointed by former President Elsa Murano and continued under President Bowen Loftin.
6/09 - 9/09 TAMU System Task Force on Shared Business Services appointed by President Bowen Loftin.
2009 - 2012 TAMU Honorary Degree Committee (appointed by Provost Watson).
2007 - 2009 Advisory Board, Center for Teaching Excellence.
2007 - 2010 Graduate Council (University) representing the Faculty Senate.

University Administration Search Committees 2008-2010:
• Associate VP for Graduate Studies.
• Associate Dean of Faculties and Director, Center for Teaching Excellence
• Faculty Ombuds Officer.
Awards and Honors
2013 Professor Emerita, Texas A&M University
2011-2012 Senior Scientist, Borlaug International Institute, Texas A&M University
2011 TAMU Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award
for Graduate Mentoring
1996 Certificate of Excellence Award from the American Society of Agronomy.
1992 Fellow, Kellogg-funded Leadership Development Program, National
Center for Food and Agricultural Policy, Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C.
1990 Southern Agric. Economics Assoc. Distinguished Professional Contribution in Extension Award.
External Grant Funding:
$1.5 million as PI or Co-PI; $900K research, $600K teaching and extension education, 1990-2012.
Work Experience
1987-1988 Vice-President, Director of Livestock Research, Livestock Division, Drexel, Burnham,
and Lambert, Inc., Chicago, Illinois.
1981-1982 Product Marketing Engineer, Texas Instruments, Midland, Texas
1980-1981 Assistant Head of Materials Evaluations, International Center for Textile Research,
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.

2012- present Professor and Head, Department of Economics, South Dakota State University
2002-2012 Professor (’06), Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M
Chair, Intercollegiate Faculty of Agribusiness
Director, Master of Agribusiness (MAB) program.
1996-1997 Sabbatical leave. Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Illinois.
1988-2002 Associate (’94) Professor, Coordinator MS Agribusiness degree program,
Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech.
Area(s) of Research
Food and Agribusiness:
Knowledge management
Transparency, traceability and assurance
Global systems sustainability and resilience
Market institutions, organization change,

American Agricultural Economics Association
• 2018- Chair-Elect, National Agricultural Economics Administrators Association
• 2012 - 2014 Member, Trust Committee (formerly the Foundation)
• 1996 - 1997 Chair, Food and Agriculture Marketing and Policy Section.
• 1992 - 1993, 1993-1994 Chair, Extension Section.

International Food and Agribusiness Management Association:
• IFAMA Journal Editorial Committee
• Co-chair Student Industry Program, 2010 - 2013
• Chair, Globalization Task Force, PMA-IFAMA Alliance, 2010 -2011
• Co-Chair, Student Case Competition, 2009-2010

Food Technology & Innovation Forum and Food Safety Conference
• 2009, 2010 Academic Advisor.

Food Update Foundation
• 2006, 2008 Academic Advisor.

NC-213 Marketing and Delivery of Quality Cereals and Oilseeds, 1987 – 2004
• Leader of the economics objective, 2001 – 2004

National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG)
• Wheat Industry Resource Committee, Chair, 1996-97; Vice-Chair, 1995-96; Secretary, elected 1994.
• Member, NAWG’s national strategic planning team, 1995-1997.
• Developed and implemented a new Research and Education Forum (1997).

Grain Quality Workshops.
• 1994 -2000 Soybean Subcommittee

Federal Grain Inspection Service (F.G.I.S.)
• Industry Advisory Committee (alternate), appointed by U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Madigan. 1991-1994
Applications of Research
Research and Outreach 2002-2012:
Refereed Publications:

Goel, Amol*, Christopher Zobel and Eluned Jones. “A Multi-Agent System for Supporting the Electronic Contracting of Food Grains.” J. of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 49 (2005): 123-137.

Jones, Eluned and Stephanie Mercier. “The Power of Biotechnology to Impel Change in the Grain and Oilseeds Markets.” Willamette Journal of International Law & Dispute Resolution, Volume 12: 101-142, 2004.

Jones, Eluned. “Entity Preservation and Passport Agriculture: EU vs. USA.” Drake Journal of Agricultural Law, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 381-406, 2002.

Bailey, DeeVon, Eluned Jones and David L. Dickinson. “Knowledge Management and Comparative International Strategies on Vertical Information Flow in the Global Food System.” Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 84(number 5, 2002): 1337-1344.

Reports on Original Research:

Ng, Desmond, V. Salin, G.W. Williams, E. Jones and A. Ishdorj. “Competitive Assessment of Devil’s Claw in the Human and Animal Nutraceutical/Herbal Supplement Market.” Report to FAO. Agribusiness, Food and Consumer Economic Research Center (AFCERC), TAMU, Report # CM-01-12, January 2012.

Ng, Desmond, Victoria Salin and Eluned Jones. “A Pluralistic View of the Economics and Management of Food Safety” presented at the IAMA annual conference, Boston, MA, June 2010. Part of report associated with ERS-USDA cooperative agreement 58-4000-9-0058.

Jones, Eluned and Lin Li. “Economic Feasibility and Institutional Constraints on Replacing Refined with Whole Grain Products in the School Meal Program.” Report in fulfillment of FNS-USDA subcontract. AFCERC, TAMU Report #CM 04-09, January 2008.

Salin, Victoria, Eluned Jones and Gary W. Williams. “Economic Evaluation of Action Plans for Pathogen Control in Almonds.” Final Report to the Almond Board of California, September 2006, 51 pp, and AFCERC, TAMU Report #CP-02-07, February 2007.

Jones, Eluned, Victoria Salina and Edward Rister. “A Learning Portfolio Approach to Research Projects in Agribusiness.” A Report to the Quality Enhancement Program, TAMU, July 2006. 117 pp.

Jones, Eluned, Victoria Salin and Gary W. Williams. “Nisin and the Market for Commercial Bacteriocins.” Final report to the National Corn Growers Association and AFCERC Report #CP-01-05, July 2005.

Goel, A., C. Zobel, and E. Jones. “A Multi-Agent System for Integrated Decision-Support and E-Market Trading in Agricultural Supply Chains” Refereed Proceeding of the Annual Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) Meetings, Boston, MA, November 20-23, 2004, pp. 5091-5096.

Bailey, D., and E. Jones (co-authors). 2004. “Food Traceability and Assurance in the Global Food System.” In Farm Foundation Panel Report, 42 pp. Also available at www.farmfoundation.org .

Zobel, C., and E. Jones. “A Decision Support System for Virginia Producers in the Mid-Atlantic Wheat Industry.” Proceeding of the INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) Spring 2003 Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 19-22, 2003, pp 870-882.

Jones, E., and C. Zobel. 2002. “A Decision Support System for Value-Added Production in the Mid-Atlantic Wheat Industry.” In J.H. Trienekens and S.W.F. Omta, eds. Paradoxes in Food Chains and Networks. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 870-882.

Papers Presented but Not Published:

Jones, E. “Who Are Your Students: Digital Natives or Digital Immigrants?” in Young Professional Teaching Academy, AAEA Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, July 23, 2006.

Jones, E “Food and Health Safety – Risk Communication” Panel Convener, moderator and speaker, in Agribusiness, Food, Health and Nutrition, 16th IAMA Annual World Forum, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 12, 2006.

Jones, E. “How Do Immature Market Economies Become Global Competitors: Whose Example Should They Follow?” Present to the Jordan Institute, TAMU, April 5th, 2006.

Jones, E. “Acceptance of Altered Foods: A European Perspective.” Organized symposium entitled “Food Safety and Trade” at the American Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Denver, CO, August 3, 2004.

Jones, E. “Public vs. Private Facilitation of Dynamic Agri-Markets” in “Marketing Programs in the Era of Food Supply Chains,” organized by Walt Armbruster, Farm Foundation. Presented as part of an organized symposium at the American Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Montreal, Canada, July 29, 2003.

Jones, E. “Quality Oriented Marketing Strategies for Mexican Wheat Markets.” In “Infrastructure, Market Timing and Quality Issues Affecting Direct Wheat Sales to Mexican Flour Millers,” organized by Phil Kenkel. Presented as part of an organized symposium at the American Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Montreal, Canada, July 29, 2003.

Invited Presentations

“Strategic Positioning for Talent Management in Agribusiness.” Invited Speaker, China’s Animal Feed Industry, CEO Salon, Shanghai, China, December 5th, 2013.

“Public versus Private Governance of India’s Agri-Food Markets: the Economics and Strategic Management of Facilitating (Competitive) Markets.” Presented at the IIM Lucknow International Conference on Agribusiness and Food Industry in Developing Countries: Opportunities and Challenges, August, 2007.

“Food and Health Safety - Risk Communication” Panel convener, moderator and speaker, in Agribusiness, Food, Heath and Nutrition, 16th IAMA Annual World Forum, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 12, 2006.

“Legislation of the International Trade of Food Products of Animal Origin” TAMU Mexico Center, Mexico City. Videoconference, simultaneous translation. Feb. 15, 2006, first day of 3-day workshop for Ministry personnel.

“Food Ingredient Traceability” Video Conference presentation for TAMU Center in Mexico City conference on “Food Traceability”, June 7th 2005.

“Plants in Europe: Which Panorama for the Future?” Principal Roundtable Speaker in Plant International Meeting, Angers, France, 26-27th May 2005.

“The Services: What are the Key Trends and Drivers?” Workshop Speaker in Plant International Meeting, Angers, France, 26-27th May 2005.

“Take Control of Your Food Process: Increase Efficiency and Yield While Minimizing Safety Risks” a Webcast produced by FMC Food and Food Manufacturing (a Reed Business Information publication) November 17th 2004.


“Strategic Planning for Succession.” Invited Speaker, Dematic Logistics Conference, Park City, Utah, September, 2011.

“Creating and Sustaining a Learning Environment that Prepares College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Graduates for a ‘Flat’ World”. Invited presentation, CANR, University of Missouri. November, 2010.

“Strategic Issues Influencing Investment in Cold Chain in India” FAS, USDA presentation to delegation on the Indian Warehouse Receipt Act, November, 2009.

"At What Cost? Balancing Food Safety Priorities with Budgetary Realities and Operating Efficiencies" Invited Speaker and Panelist at the 3rd Annual Food Technology & Innovation Forum and Food Safety Conference in Chicago, May 12-14, 2009.

“Know the Fundamentals: Politics, Culture and Economy.” Invited speaker and panelist for ½-day program on "Doing Business with China", Food Update Foundation, Amelia Island, Florida, April 9th, 2008.

“Tracking Ingredients and Products.” Initial speaker and moderator for ½-day program on this topic, Food Update Foundation, Hilton Head, S.C., April 9th, 2005.

“Food Traceability and Assurance in the Global Food System”
• Congressional Research Service, with DeeVon Bailey, Washington, D.C., September 27th 2004.
• USDA Economists Association, with DeeVon Bailey, Washington, D.C., September 27th 2004.
• Chicago Economics Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 2004.

“What are the Potential Benefits of Traceability Systems Beyond Consumer Willingness-to-Pay?” Livestock Marketing Information Committee, Kansas City, June 18, 2003.

“Traceability, Assurance and Biosecurity in the (Global) Food System: Cereals and Oilseeds Sector Issues.” National Public Policy Educators Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 23, 2003.

“The Economics of Assurance and Traceability – Is This the Same as Identity Preserved?” American Association of Grain Inspection and Weighing Agencies, June 2002.

“The Economics of Assurance and Traceability – Is This the Same as Identity Preserved?” Milling and Baking Technical Meetings, American Association of Cereal Chemists, Omaha, NE, May 2002

“The Economics of Assurance and Traceability – Is This the Same as Identity Preserved?” 41st Soft Wheat Research Conference, USDA-ARS, Wooster, Ohio, April 2002.

Conferences and Symposia Organized:

“Assurance and Traceability in the Meat Supply Chain: is the U.S. Falling Behind the Global Benchmark?” Co-organized with Randy Westgren, and moderated. Food and Agricultural Marketing and Policy Section Track, American Agricultural Economics Association Meetings, Long Beach, California, July 28-31, 2002.

“The Economics of Assurance and Traceability in the U.S. Food System.” Co-organized with Neal Hooker, moderated and presented. Food and Agricultural Marketing and Policy Section Track, American Agricultural Economics Association Meetings, Long Beach, California, July 28-31, 2002.

“Impact of Shortcomings in Retail Meat Prices on Research Applications.” Co-organized with Wayne Purcell, and presented. Food and Agricultural Marketing and Policy Section Track, American Agricultural Economics Association Meetings, Long Beach, California, July 28-31, 2002.

Conference on the “Economics of Assurance and Traceability in the US Food System.” Washington, DC co-sponsored with ERS- and AMS-USDA, http://www.conted.vt.edu/foodpolicy.htm January 10 - 11, 2002.
