Huitian Lu



Office Building



Mailing Address

Solberg Hall 216F
Construction & Concrete Industry Mgmt-Box 2223
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007
Ph.D. Industrial Engineering, Minor Computer Science, Texas Tech University
M.S. Industrial Engineering, Texas Tech University
Academic Interests
Reliability, Quality, Management Science, Design of Experiment,
Dynamics & Mathematical Modeling, Optimization
Academic Responsibilities
Undergraduate Program in Operations Management: Quality control applications
Graduate Program in Operations Management: Statistical Quality Control, Statistical Decision Theory, Research Methods, Risk Model and Analysis
Committee Activities
University P&T committee (2019-22); University International Affair committee (2019-22)
Program Committee of IEEE Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management (IEEM) (2007- date )
Program Committee of IEEE Conference on Quality & Reliability (ICQR) (2011-)
Awards and Honors
College research activity award (2018)
Mayo research collaborator (2009-2011)
Current Activities:
SD Governor's Research Center (SD GRC; SDSM&T & SDSU) project, SDSU Co-I, July 01, 2021 - June 30, 2026.

CEPS of NSF IUCRC (project co-PI). SDSU, Jan. 01, 2019 – Dec. 31, 2019 (Phase-0 of the project).

NAVY STTR research project (with Space Information Lab) on Lithium-ion Battery Modeling and Management System (BMS), Phase I, Phase IA, and Phase II (Sept. 2016 – Aug. 2018), SDSU PI.

Sanford Health Systems: profile research project, personal treatment regimes model, Sept. 2015 – Aug. 2017, SDSU Co-PI.

High Performance and Durable lithium-ion Batteries for NASA Space Applications, NASA EPSCoR project, 9/2014 – 8/2017, SDSU Co-PI.

Estimating a Levy-Jump model for corn option pricing, SDSU Division of Econ & Management project, 2014-2015, Co-PI.

On Monte Carlo methods for dynamic modeling in eco and management, SDSU Division of Econ & Management project, 2014-2015, Co-PI.

Discrete Even Dynamics & Simulation Model: Severe Sepsis Resuscitation, SDSU Research/Scholarship support fund, 2012-2013, Pl.

R18 proposal work on healthcare delivery improvement for patient safety in response to announcement PAR-11-024, Department of Health and Human Services.

Proposal work on mathematical theory of residual life, aerospace battery management in response to NASA EPSCoR research.
Apparatus and method for automatic knowledge-base object identification, joint inventor; US patent number 6014461, Jan. 11, 2000.
Professional Memberships
Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE)
America Statistical Association (ASA)
Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Alpha Pi Mu
Creative Activities
Selected publications:
N. Khan and H. Lu (2023) Simulating transport capacity, delivery speed, and routing efficiency to predict economic growth, Intelligent Information Management, Vol.15, No.4. DOI: 10.4236/iim.2023.154015.

H. Lu (2022) "Data-Driven Model Parameter Identification for RUL Online Estimate of Lithium-ion Batteries," presentation, NASA Aerospace Battery Workshop, Huntsville, AL.

Y. Hu, R. Wei, Y. Yang, X. Li, Z. Huang, Y. Liu, C. He, H. Lu, Performance degradation prediction using LSTM with optimized parameters, Sensors 2022, 22(6), 2407;

S. Izzet, S. Sun, and H. Lu (2020) "Prediction of remaining lifetime distribution from functional trajectories under censoring data," International Journal of Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics, Vol.13, No.4, pp. 347-367. DOI:10.6148/IJITAS.202012_13(4).0003

M. Ding, Y. Zhang, & H. Lu (2020) "Fatigue life prediction of TC17 titanium alloy based on micro scratch," International Journal of Fatigue, 139, 105793.

Z. Wu, T. Li, Q. Lu, B. Shi, X. Li, X. Wang, H. Lu, H. Zhang (2019) “Process optimization of laser cladding Ni60A alloy coating in remanufacturing," Optics & Laser Technology, online August 17, 2019.

U. Seloka, Q. Qiao, and H Lu (2019) "PCM and the thermal model in battery design," EIT-IEEE International Electric Information Technology Conference 2019.

Y. Hu, S. Liu, H. Lu, and H. Zhang (2018) “Online remaining useful life (RUL) prognostics using an integrated particle filter,” Journal of Risk and Reliability.

S. Daravath, E. Burke, & H. Lu (2017) "Lithium-ion battery modelling and online battery management system," 2017-Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference, FL.

A. Baniya, S. Herrmann, Q. Qiao, H. Lu (2017) "Adaptive interventions treatment modelling and regime optimization using sequential multiple assignment randomized trials (SMART) and Q-learning," 2017-Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference, FL.

H. Chang, A. Qasaimeh, S. Lu, and H. Lu†, (2016) “Intelligent Integration of SPC/EPC for Quality Control and Fault Diagnosis,” Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, vol. 4, no. 3, 191-197.

J. Wang, Y. Zhang, S. Liu, Q. Sun, H. Lu (2016) “Competitive giga-fatigue life analysis owing to surface defect and internal inclusion for FV520B-I,” International Journal of Fatigue, v 87, pp. 203-209.

J. Wang, Y. Zhang, Q. Sun, S. Liu, Shujie, B. Shi, H. Lu (2016) “Giga-fatigue life prediction of FV520B-I with surface roughness,” Materials and Design, v 89, pp. 1028-1034.

S. Liu, Y. Hu, C. Li, H. Lu, H. Zhang (2015) “Machinery condition prediction based on wavelet and support vector machine,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing.

S. Liu, Y. Hu, H. Lu, H. Zhang (2015) “RBPF for residual life prediction and application in bearing degradation assessment”: IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2015, pp. 1136-1142.

H. Zhang, S. Liu, Y. Zhang & H. Lu (2014) “Remanufacturing and RUL assessment,” Chapter in Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, by A. Y.C. Nee (ed.), Springer, 978-1-4471-4669-8.

S. Alqudah, Y. Dong, H. Lu and S. Lu (2014) “System analysis and process redesign for quality improvement of sepsis resuscitation,” J. of Collaborative Enterprise (IJCENT), Vol. 4, NO.1/2, pp. 83-100.

Santhakumar H., Lu, S., Lu, H. (2013) “Predicting the success of mergers in the banking industry,” ISER Conference, Puerto Rico May, 2103.

Lu, H. & Song, Y. (2012). “A note of remaining life assessment and performance degradation,” ISER Conference, Florida, 2012.

Song, Y. & Lu, H. (2011). Reliability of consecutive k-out-of-n:F system under incomplete information. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (ICQR2MSE 2011), pp. 59-63.

Dong, Y., Lu, H., Gajic, O. & Pickering, B. (2011) Intensive care unit operational modeling and analysis. In A. Kolker & P. Story (Eds.), Management engineering for effective healthcare delivery: principles and applications (pp. 132-147). New York, NY: IGI Global.

Um, W.S., Lu, H., & Hall, T.J.K. (2010) “A study of multi-agent based supply chain modeling and management,” iBusiness, 2(4). Available online at:

Ren, C., Ke, W., & Lu, H. (2009) “Objective Bayesian analysis for spatio-temporal models,” International Journal of Technology and Applied Statistics, 2(2), pp. 121-134.

Biesecker, M., Kimn, J. H., Lu, H., Dingli, D., Bajzer, Z. (2009) “Optimization of virotherapy for cancer,” The Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Advanced online publication. doi: 10.1007/s11538-009-9456-0

Dong, Y., Rotz, J., Bowron. C., Schieffer, C., Amirahmadi., F., Lu, H., … Gajic O. (2009) “Discrete event simulation and modeling of sepsis resuscitation: Facilitating central line catheterization process to minimize delay,” Mayo Clinic Conference on Systems Engineering & Operations Research in HealthCare, August 17-18, Rochester, MN.

T. Lin, S. Paul, S. Lu and H. Lu (2009) “A study on performance and reliability of magnetostatic actuated RF MEMS switches,” Microelectronics Reliability, 49; pp. 59-65.

W. Ke, C. Ren, and H. Lu (2007) “Using a two-stage minimum aberration criterion to select optimal two-level fractional factorial designs,” Journal of Statistical Research, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 81-92.

Susan Lu, YuchenTu and Huitian Lu* (2007) “Predictive condition-based maintenance for continuously deteriorating systems,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 23, pp. 71-81.

W. Ke, C. Ren, J. Kai, and H. Lu* (2007) “System performance, degradation, and reliability assessment,” IEEE International Conference on IEEM, Singapore National University.

Huitian Lu (2005) “Control through the Internet and distance labs for education,” ASEE North Midwest Conference, Brookings SD.

W.J. Kolarik, J. C. Woldstad, Susan Lu, and Huitian Lu (2004) “Human performance reliability: on-line assessment using fuzzy logic,” IIE Transaction, 36, pp. 457-467.

Lu, H., W. Kolarik, S. Lu (2001) "Real-time performance reliability prediction," IEEE Trans. on Reliability, no.4, pp. 353-357.

Lu, S, H. Lu, and W. Kolarik (2001) “Multivariate performance reliability prediction in real-time,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 72, pp. 39-45.