Laura Edwards


SDSU Extension State Climatologist

Office Building

Mailing Address

SDSU Extension Aberdeen Regional Center
13 2nd Ave SE
Aberdeen, SD 57401
M.S. 2003 University of Maryland, Meteorology
B.S. 1999 University of Minnesota, Physics and French
  • Climate and Weather
  • Committee Activities
    Professional Staff Advisory Council, elected in 2022. Historian 2023-present.
    Extension Responsibilities
    Laura supports the citizens of South Dakota in her role as the SDSU Extension State Climatologist based in Aberdeen. Her job duties include:
    Point of contact for state and university climatology outreach and extension.
    Coordinate and lead SDSU Extension projects on weather, climate and agriculture.
    Liaison with SD Mesonet group, State Fire Meteorologist, university personnel, state and federal agencies on weather, climate, natural hazards and emergency management.

    Some projects include: Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Climate Change Resilience, North Central Region Water Network Climate Team co-leader, SD liaison for USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub, SD Drought Task Force, SD Department of Agriculture pesticide education.
    Awards and Honors
    2022 Distinguished Service Award, NACAA
    2018 Achievement Award, NACAA
    2016 Certificate of Achievement, AMS Policy Colloquium
    Professional Memberships
    American Association of State Climatologists

    National Association of County Agricultural Agents

    American Meteorological Society, member since 2002. Currently serving on Board for Representation, Accessibility, Inclusion and Diversity (BRAID). Past positions held include Chair and Conference Chair for Committee on Applied Climatology and Conference Chair for Board on Atmospheric Biogeosciences.

    South Dakota Association of Agricultural Extension Professionals, President 2021-present. Vice President 2019-2021. Finance chair for national meeting in 2015. Member 2012-present.
    Work Experience
    January 2017 – present South Dakota State Climatologist
    South Dakota State University Extension, Aberdeen, SD

    July 2016 – January 2017 Acting South Dakota State Climatologist
    South Dakota State University Extension, Aberdeen, SD

    December 2011 - July 2016 Extension Climate Field Specialist
    South Dakota State University Extension, Aberdeen, SD

    November 2003 – December 2011 Assistant Research Climatologist
    Western Regional Climate Center, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV
