Lee Weidauer

Lee Weidauer


Associate Professor

Office Building



Mailing Address

Wagner Hall 443
School of Health and Human Sciences-Box 2275A
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007


Dr. Weidauer is an associate professor who teaches in the undergraduate exercise science program and across all graduate programs in the School of Health and Consumer Sciences. He also works across several disciplines by assisting other scientists in the design and analysis of their projects. The focus of his research aims to extend the health span of the population through injury treatment and prevention in young adults as well as prevention and treatment of sarcopenia and osteoarthritis in older adults.
South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD
Doctor of Philosophy in Nutrition, Exercise, and Food Science (May 2012)
Dissertation: The Effect of Participation in Different Types of Physical Activity and Age on Bone Mass, Density, and Geometric Properties

South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD
Masters of Science in Exercise Science (May 2009)
Thesis: The Effect of a Commercially Available Caffeine Based Dietary Supplement on 40-Kilometer
Time Trial Performance

South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD
Bachelors of Science in Athletic Training (May 2007)
Academic Responsibilities
EXS 755: Applied Exercise Physiology
EXS 380: Professionalism
EXS 450/550: Clinical Exercise Physiology
EXS 751: Lab Techniques in Exercise Science

Committee Activities
University Budget Committee
Institutional Review Board
EHS Research Committee
Chair-Elect of the NE1939 Multistate Research Group
Co-Coordinator of the graduate program in nutrition and exercise science
Awards and Honors
2022 NE 1939 Research Excellence Award
USDA-ARS Pulse Crop Initiative 2022: Effect of a pulse-based USDA-diet on gut microbial metabolites and biomarkers of healthspan: A 18-week randomized controlled crossover feeding study in older adults. (2022 – 2024)
Role: Co-Investigator

National Pork Board Human Nutrition 2022: The role of lean-pork within a plant-based dietary pattern for improving iron reserve, muscle-fitness, and markers of health span in older adults: A multi-disciplinary randomized controlled feeding study. (2022 – 2024)
Role: Co-Investigator

USDA/NIFA. “North Central Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Center: Engaging Programs to Support Producer Wellbeing.” (September 2, 2022 – August 31, 2023).
Role: Co-Investigator

SD00R691-20: United States Department of Agriculture – National Institute of Food and Agriculture. “Improving the health span of aging adults through diet and physical activity” (2020-2025).
Role: Principal Investigator

SD00H706-20: United States Department of Agriculture – National Institute of Food and Agriculture. “Exploring the Role of Diet and Physical Activity in Muscle, Bone, and Joint Health Across the Lifespan” (2019-2024).
Role: Principal Investigator

United States Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: "Improving officer-soldier relationships through active listening skills training" (2017-2019).
Amount: $241,644
Role: Co-Investigator

Sanford Health – SDSU Collaborative Research Seed Grant: “Protein Supplementation and Rates of Muscle Loss and Gain Following Disuse” (2017-2018).
Amount: $112,499
Role: Principal Investigator

South Dakota State University Research and Scholarly Support Fund Award: “Subchondral Bone Changes Following Repair of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament” (2017-2018).
Amount: $2,400
Role: Principle Investigator

South Dakota State University Scholarly Excellence Grant: “The Role of Female Sex Hormones on Neuromuscular Factors Related to ACL Injuries” (2014-2015).
Amount: $9,000
Role: Principal Investigator

South Dakota State University Academic and Scholarly Excellence Grant: “A Longitudinal Examination of Post-Concussion Depressive Symptomology in Division I Student-Athletes” (2014-2015).
Amount: $2,900
Role: Co-Investigator

National Children’s Study Formative Research Project “LOI3 PHYS-02: Assessment of Growth in Infants and Children from Birth to 5 Years of Age using Ulnar and Lower Leg Length” (2010-2011). Amount: $10,489
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Professional Memberships
American College of Sports Medicine
National Athletic Trainers Association
Work Experience
2017-Present Assistant Professor, Health and Nutritional Sciences, South Dakota State University

2015-2017 Research Associate III/Assistant Professor, Ethel Austin Martin Program in Human Nutrition/Health and Nutritional Science Department, South Dakota State University (Graduate Faculty Member)

2012-2015 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Ethel Austin Martin Program in Human Nutrition, South Dakota State University

2011- 2012 Research Coordinator, Ethel Austin Martin Program in Human Nutrition, South Dakota State University

2009-2011 Research Assistant, National Children’s Study, Ethel Austin Martin Program in Human Nutrition, South Dakota State University
Area(s) of Research
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Monroe-Lord, L., Harrison, E., Ardakani, A., Francis, S., Xu, F., Ventura-Marra, M., Weidauer, L., Arthur, A., Sahyoun, N. (2023) Aging Anxiety and Physical Activity Outcomes among Middle and Older Age African Americans. Physical Activity and Health, 7(1): 281-292.

Kendall, C., Francis, S., Mack, S., Ventura-Marra, M., Sahyoun, N., Monroe-Lord, L., Xu, F., Weidauer, L., Arthur, A. (2023) Middle Age and Older Adults: Their nutrition and physical activity needs and how best to address them. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(23) (accepted March 10, 2023). PMID: 36976616

Palsgaard, P., Vieytes, C., Peterson, N., Francis, S., Monroe-Lord, L., Sahyoun, N., Ventura-Marra, M., Weidauer, L., Xu, F., Arthur, A. (2022) Health Professionals Views and Perspectives towards Aging. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(23). PMID: 36497945

Xu, F., Earp, J., Allessandra, A., Weidauer, L., Greene, G. (2022) The relationship of physical activity and dietary quality and diabetes prevalence in US adults: Findings from NHANES 2011-2018. Nutrients (accepted August 12, 2022)

Wong, L., Francis, S., Genschel, U., Arthur, A., Xu, F., Weidauer, L., Monroe-Lord, L., Ventura-Marra, M., Sahyoun, N., Kendall, C. (2022) A Cross-Sectional Assessment of Food Practices, Physical Activity Levels, and Stress Levels in Middle Age and Older Adults’ during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Public Health (epub ahead of print)

Weidauer, L., Harbaugh, Z., Koens, N. (2022) Greater Subchondral vBMD
at the Tibia is Observed between 1 and 5 years of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions. (In Press)
Bjornestad, S., Olson, S., Weidauer, L. (2021) Improving Officer-Soldier Communication through Active Listening Skills Training with Army ROTC Cadets. Military Psychology. 33(3): 205-215.

Weidauer, L., Zwart, M. B., Clapper, J. A., Albert, J., Vukovich, M. D., Specker, B. L.
(2020) Neuromuscular Performance Changes Throughout the Menstrual Cycle in Physically Active Females. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions. 20(3): 314-324.

Bjornestad, A., Brown, L., Weidauer, L. (2019) The relationship between social support and depressive symptoms in Midwestern farmers. Journal of Rural Mental Health, 43(4), 109-117.

Weidauer, L., Binkley, T., Beare, T., Minett, M., Specker, B. (2018) Longitudinal pQCT Measures in Children and Grandchildren of Individuals with Knee or Hip Replacement for Osteoarthritis. Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research, 476(5), 1093-1103.

Minett, M., Weidauer, L., Wey, H., Binkley, T., Beare, T., Specker, B. (2018) Sports Participation in High School and College Leads to High Bone Density and Greater Rates of Bone Loss in Young Men: Results from a Population-Based Study. Calcified Tissue International. 103(1): 5-15.

Minett, M., Binkley, T., Weidauer, L., Specker, B. (2017) Changes in Body Composition and Bone of Female Collegiate Soccer Players Through the Competitive Season and Off-Season. Journal of Neuromuscular and Neuronal Interactions. 17(1): 386-398 PMID: 28250243

Oberlander, T., Olson, B., Weidauer, L. (2017) Test-Retest Reliability of the King-Devick Test in an Adolescent Population. Journal of Athletic Training. 52(5): 439-445. PMID: 28362161

Weidauer L, McCormack L, Gorres-Martens B, Specker B. (2016) High Prevalence of Vitamin D Insufficiency in Farming and Non-Farming Populations in South Dakota: Associations with Parathyroid Hormone, Body Fat and Bone Density. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. 31(3): 204-212.

Weidauer, L., Binkley, T., Beare, T., Minett, M., McCormack, L., Wey, A., Specker, B. (2015) Do Sex Differences Exist in Rates of Falls and Fractures in Hutterite, Rural, and Non-rural Populations, Aged 20 to 66 Years? Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research. 473(8): 2514-2520. PMID: 25762018

Specker B, Wey H, Binkley T, Beare T, Minett M, Weidauer L. (2015) Rural vs. Non-rural Differences and Longitudinal Bone Changes by DXA and pQCT in Men Aged 20-66 years: A Population-Based Study. Bone. 79: 79-87. PMID: 25957824

Roiger T, Weidauer L, Kern, B. (2015) A Longitudinal Pilot Study of Depressive Symptomology in Concussed and Injured, Non-Concussed Division I Student-Athletes. Journal of Athletic Training, 50(3): 256-261. PMID: 25562455

Binkley, T., Weidauer, L., Daughters, S., Vukovich, M. (2015) Changes in Body Composition in Division I Football Players Over a Competitive Season and Recovery in Off-Season. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 29(9): 2503-2512. PMID: 26313574

Weidauer, L, Wey, H, Slater, H, Moyer-Mileur, L, Specker, B. (2014) Estimation of Length or Height in Infants and Young Children Using Ulnar and Lower Leg Length with DXA Validation. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 56: 995-1000.

Weidauer L, Binkley, T, Vukovich, M, Specker, B. (2014) Greater Polar Moment of Inertia at the Tibia in Athletes Who Develop Stress Fractures. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 2(7). PMID: 26535343

Weidauer LA, Minett M, Binkley T, Negus C, Vukovich M, Wey H, Specker B. (2014) Odd-Impact Loading Results in Increased Cortical Area and Moments of Inertia in Collegiate Athletes. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 114(7): 1429-1438. PMID: 24664495

Binkley, T, Parupsky, E, Kleinsasser, B, Weidauer, L, Specker, B. (2014) Feasibility, Compliance, and Efficacy of a Randomized Controlled Trial Using Vibration in Pre-pubertal Children. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 14(3): 294-302. PMID: 25198224

Nichenametla SN, Weidauer LA, Wey HE, Beare TM, Specker BL, Dey M. (2014) Resistant starch type 4-enriched diet lowered blood cholesterols and improved body composition in a double-blind controlled crossover intervention. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 58(6): 1365-1369. PMID: 24478107

Weidauer L, Binkley T, Berry R, Specker B. (2013) Variation in Cortical Density within the Cortical Shell of Individuals across a Range in Densities and Ages. Journal Musculoskeletal Neuronal Interactions, 13(1): 89-96. PMID: 23445918

Weidauer L, Eilers M, Binkley T, Vukovich M, Specker B. (2012) Effect of different collegiate sports on cortical bone in the tibia. Journal Musculoskeletal Neuronal Interactions, 12(2): 68-73. PMID: 22647279
