Mary Emery


Professor Emerita of Sociology

Office Building



Mailing Address

Hansen Hall 004
School of Psych, Soc & Rural Studies-Box 670A
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007


Dr. Mary Emery has a deep and abiding interest in community and economic development research and practice including using the Community Capitals Framework (CCF), in evaluation, research on community change, and program planning. Recent research has focused on the interaction of social capital and reflexivity in creating a spiraling up effect and on addressing diversity, inclusion, and equity in higher education. A co-author of the Field Guide for Community Coaching and the Field Guide to Ripple Effect Mapping, she regularly provides workshops and training on community development processes and approaches. In addition to teaching in the Great Plains IDEA transdisciplinary multi-university distance degree in Community Development, she provides support for the college research initiative. She has recently served or is serving as an evaluator on an NSF ATE regional project, an NSF-funded PLAN project, a USDA-funded project to support Tribal College faculty, and both a HRSA-funded planning grant to increase access to opioid-disorder treatment and the subsequent implementation grant.
Ph.D., Rutgers University
Academic Interests
Community and rural development, community wellness, applied sociology, leadership development, entrepreneurship, distance education, leadership development, Appreciative Inquiry, community coaching, evaluation, ripple effect mapping.
Academic Responsibilities
Qualitative methods, evaluation, leadership development, community development, rural sociology/rural development, non profit management.
Extension Responsibilities
Dr. Emery provides training in community coaching, ripple effect mapping, evaluation, and Appreciative Inquiry. She also facilitates a variety of meetings. Currently, she is also a member of the national extension team on Coming Together for Racial Understanding
Awards and Honors
Member, ECOP Rapid Response Team on Civil Dialogue on Race Relations and Coming Together Team Member, NACDEP National award for diversity, 2019.
NACDEP Southern regional First place for Diversity Team Award.
Chazdon, Higgins, Hansen, Emery, Joint CDS and NACDEP National award for innovation, 2017.
Excellence in Service Award, Great Plains Sociological Association, 2016
Invited participant and moderator, NIFA Big Data Summit, Chicago, 2016.
Invited participant to the September 23rd Whitehouse Workshop on Promise Zones, WDC: September 2016.
Chazdon, Higgins, Hansen, Emery, National Training award, NACDEP, 2016.
With Chazdon, Higgins, and HanGreat Plains Interactive Distance Education Association: Making and Impact Award, 2014.
Community Development Society: Duane L. Gibson Distinguished Service Award, 2012.
Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Association: Great Ideas Award, 2010.
Innovative Program award given to the Great Plains IDEA On-line Master’s Degree in Community Development Team, 2008.
Iowa Distance Learning Association, Innovators Award, given to the Great Plains IDEA On-line Master’s Degree in Community Development Team, 2008.
Community Development Society, Community Development Achievement Award, 1999.
President’s Award, Lewiston-Clarkston YWCA, 1995
HRSA opioid prevention, treatment and recovery grant (evaluator), HRSA psycho stimulants prevention, treatment, and recovery grant (evaluator). NSF Testing a responsible innovation approach for integrating precision agriculture (PA) technologies with future farm workers and work (evaluator). U.S.-RUSSIA
Professional Memberships
Community Development Society (past President), Rural Sociology Society, American Evaluation Ass., Midwest Sociology Society, Great Plains Sociology Ass., Great Plains IDEA.
Work Experience
Current: Professor, School of Psychology, Sociology, and Rural Studies
2011-2021: Department Head, Sociology and Rural Studies, South Dakota State University.
2011-2014: Faculty chair: GPIDEA Interdisciplinary Master's Degree in Community Development.
2009-20011: Sociology Department, Program Manager on various evaluation projects and Co-chair of the On-line Master's Degree in Community Development.
2004-2009: Associate Director, North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, Iowa State University.
2002-2004: Senior Fellow (.5 FTE), North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, Iowa State University.
2002-2004: (.5 FTE) Senior Associate, Heartland Center for Leadership Development, Lincoln, NE.
1990-2002: Director, Office of Sponsored Programs and the Institute for Community Development, Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston, ID.
1995-1998: Title III Coordinator: Responsible for managing a $1.5 million project to develop a distance education program and integrate technology as LCSC. Responsibilities included managing project timeline, linking resources to on-campus departments and plans, reporting, and institutionalization. Over 40% of the faculty received training in integrating technology into course delivery.
Creative Activities

Chazdon, S. Emery, M. Hansen, D., Higgins, L. & Sero, R. (2017). A Field Guide to Ripple Effects Mapping. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.
Walzer, N., Emery, M, and Leonard, J. 2017. Innovative Measurement and Evaluation of Community Development Practices. London: Rutledge Publications.
Lachance, L., Carpenter, L., Emery, M., & Luluquisen, M. eds. 2016. Food and fitness community partnerships. London: Rutledge Publications.
Walzer, N., Leonard, J., and Emery, M. eds. 2016. Innovative measurement and evaluation of community development practices. London: Rutledge Publications.
Emery, M., Gutierrez-Montes, I. and Fernandez-Baca, E. eds. 2013. Sustainable rural development. London: Rutledge Publications.
Luther, Vicki and Mary Emery. 2004. Your Field Guide to Community Building. Lincoln NE: Heartland Center for Leadership Development.

Refereed Publications
Liebl, A., Rowland, P., Kiesow, A., Redlin, M., Anderson, C., Emery, M. 2021. “Salaries in higher education systems: a system-wide perspective on career advancement and gender equity.” Advance.
Walcott, Eric, Raison, Brian, Welborn, Rachel, Pirog, Rich, Emery, Mary, Stout, Mike, Hendrix, Laura, Ostrom, Marcia. 2020. “We (All) need to talk about race: Building Extension’s capacity for dialog and action.” Journal of Extension, 58:5.
Walzer, N., Gulick, S., Loden, C. Emery, M. , & Milan Wall. 2020 “Understanding Factors Contributing to Community Change.” CD Practice: Issue 1. Spring 2020.
Gulick, S., Loden, C, Emery, M, Wall, M, & Walzer, N. (Kahl, D., Emery, M. & Homes, P. 2016. “Community coaching: Insight into an emerging practice.” CD Practice, Issue 20, pages 49-55.
Emery, M., Higgins, L, Chazdon, S, & Hansen, D. 2015. “Using ripple effect mapping to evaluate program impact: Choosing or combining the methods that work best for you.” Journal of Extension.
Bentrup, G. Emery, M, D'Adamo-Damery, N & Flora, C. 2014.“Distilling research into actionable knowledge: an assessment of a conservation buffer guide.” Journal of Extension, Vol. 52;6, .
Emery, M & Bregnedahl, C. 2014. “Relationship building: the art, craft and context for mobilizing social capital necessary for systems change.” Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society, Volume 45; Number 3.
LaChance, L., Carpenter, L., Emery, W. & Luluquisen, M. 2014. “An introduction to the Food & Fitness community partnerships and this special issue.” Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society, Volume 45; Number 3.
Emery, M., I. Gutierrez-Montes and E. Fernandez-Baca, eds. 2013. Sustainable Rural Development. London: Rutledge Publications.
Walzer, N., Leonard, J, and Emery, M. 2013. “Overview of innovative and evaluation issue.” Journal of Community Development. Volume 44, #5 529-533.
Emery, M. 2013. “Successful community change initiatives: What have we learned?” Cities learning together conference proceedings. Hong Kong: Organized by the EU Centre at RMIT University Australia and PASCAL International Observatory, November 18-23.
Emery, M. & M. Redlin. 2013. “A Framework for Learning, a Framework for Application: Use of the Community Capitals framework in pedagogy and research.” Proceedings: Pascal Conference, Brest, FR.
Emery, M. 2013. “Social capital. and youth development: Towards a typology of program practices.” New Directions for Youth Development. Jossy Bass: Summer, 49-60.
Calvert, M., M. Emery, &S. Kinsey. 2012. “Issue Editors’ Notes.” New Directions for Youth Development. Jossy Bass: Summer, 1-15.
Jan L. Flora, Mary Emery, Diego Thompson, Claudia M. Prado-Meza, and Cornelia B. Flora. 2012. "New Immigrants in Local Food Systems: Two Iowa Cases," International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 119-134. Online; available:; accessed February 27, 2012.
Emery, M. 2012. “Connecting communities and schools to make the healthy choice the easy choice.” Proceedings 3rd Global Appreciative Inquiry conference, Ghent, Belgium.
Lachappelle, P,M. Emery, and R. Hayes. 2011. "The pedagogy and practice of community visioning: Evaluating effective community strategic planning in rural Montana.” Community Development: The Journal of the Community Development Society.
Emery, M., M. Redlin and W. Young, Forthcoming 2012. Native Leadership and Adaptation to Climate Change: A Case Study. In Environmental Leadership, Vol. 2: Taking Action in the Face of Uncertainty. D. Gallagher, ed. Sage Publications.
LaChapelle, P., M. Emery and C. French. 2012. “A framework for teaching and implementing community visioning.” N. Walzer, editor, Community Visioning: Issues and Outcomes. Routledge.
Emery, M and C. B. Flora. 2012. “Appreciative Inquiry as a visioning process.” N. Walzer, editor, Community Visioning: Issues and Outcomes. Routledge.
Gutierrez-Montes, M. Emery, and E. Fernandez-Baca. 2012. "Chapter 3: Why Gender Matters to Ecological Management and Poverty Reduction." DeClerck, F., C. Rumbaitis del Rio, and J. Carter Ingram (eds) Integrating Ecology into Poverty Alleviation and International Development Efforts: A Practical Guide. New York, New York: Springer Publications.
Flora, C. and M. Emery. 2011. "Vocational Learning by and for Native America in the United States of America." Falk, I. R. Wallace and R. Catts (eds), Vocational Learning: Innovative Theory and Practice. New York, New York: Springer Publications.

Recent Invited Presentations:
Emery, M., Klemme, N., Baker, B., and Lonning, J. 2021. “NCERA 215: Integrating youth and community development to create social capital.” Federal Interagency Work Group on Youth Development.
Invited workshop: “Analyzing change in applied and Sociology and the classroom: A Workshop on Ripple Effect Mapping. Midwest Sociological Society Annual virtual meeting.
With C. B. Flora, Community Development Society Membership Webinar Series!
Spiraling Up: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow!
Emery, M. 2020. “Building Community Capacity.” F.B. Heron Foundation, NYC.
Invited panelist: Emery, M. 2019. “Unpacking Spiraling up.” F.B. Heron Foundation, NYC.
Emery M. & Seros, R. 2019. “Ripple Effect Mapping:” Corporation for National Service, WDC.
Emery, M. 2019. "Build Entrepreneurial Communities." Northwest CDI, Boise, ID.
Emery, M. 2019. "Making Communities Stronger in Challenging Times." Northwest CDI, Boise, ID.
Emery, M. 2019. “Change, Ethics, and Sustainability.” University of Missouri Community Development Academy, St. Louis.
Emery M. Chazdon, S, & Seros, R. 2019. “Ripple Effect Mapping:” Corporation for National Service, WDC.
Emery, Mary. 2018. Workshop on Ripple Effect Mapping for the Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, PA.
Emery, M. 2018. “Building an effective transdisciplinary research team: perspectives from the social and behavioral sciences.” Sanford Research Conference, Sioux Falls.
Emery, M. 2018. "Making Communities Stronger in Challenging Times." Northwest CDI, Boise, ID.
Emery, M. 2018. "Build Entrepreneurial Communities." Northwest CDI, Boise, ID.
Emery, M. 2017. "Build Entrepreneurial Communities." Northwest CDI, Boise, ID.
Emery, M. 2017. "Making Communities Stronger in Challenging Times." Northwest CDI, Boise, ID.
Emery, M. 2017. “Change, Ethics, and Sustainability.” University of Missouri Community Development Academy, St. Louis.
Emery, M. 2016. “Ripple mapping: a strategy to unpack spiraling up.” Heartland Center for Leadership Development Community Success Conference, Jackson, WY.
Invited breakout leader: NIRA Big Data Summit, Chicago: October 10, 2016.
Emery, M, 2016. Applying the community capitals to extension work in communities in the 21st century. Annual Extension Conference, New Mexico State University, March, 2016.
Emery, M.2016. Community capacity building for sustainable water management. Presented at International Forum on Bangladesh, Ohio State University, November.
Emery, M. 2015, “Aspiration approaches to community change,” Virtual presentation to the Bangladesh Climate Change group, Daka in April.
“Using the Community Capitals to Map Impact.” Deadwood Neighborworks, March 8. 2012
With Meredith Redlin, “The Role of Social Science in Bioenergy Research,” South Dakota Biofuels Consortium, Rapid City, March 9.
“Capacity Building for Sustainable Organizational Development,” Disparities in Diabetes National Convening, WDC: March 29, 2012.
Emery, M. 2012. "Coaching for Community Change" and "Making Communities Stronger in Challenging Times.” Boise, Idaho: Northwest Community Development Institute.
Emery, M. 2012. “Social Sciences Presentation.” Center for Bioprocessing Research and Development Annual Advisory Committee Meeting, Rapid City.
Emery, M. 2012. Invited facilitator, Search Conference for AFRO Food Security Grant. Virginia.
Emery, M. 2012. “Building Capacity.” National Alliance to Reduce Disparities in Diabetes.” Annual conference, Washington, DC.
Emery, M. 2011 “Community Coaching for SET.” Invited webinar presentation for the Southern Rural Development Center and USDA Rural Development.
Emery, M. 2011. “Change, Ethics, and Sustainability.” University of Missouri Community Development Academy, St. Louis.
Emery, M. 2011. “Achieving Healthy Lifestyles.” Second Annual Native American Health Care Conference, Las Vegas

Professional Paper and Poster Presentations:
Emery, Mary. 2021. “The importance of everyday ways of thinking and doing to creating inclusive space.” CDS annual conference.
Emery, Mary & Frei, Christine. 2021. “Opportunities and Challenges to Rural Regional Collaboration to Support Workforce Development and Economic Diversity.” CDS annual conference.
Klemme, Neil, Henness, Steve, Baker, Barb, Emery, M. Lonning, J. 2021. “Spiraling Up” Together: Youth and Community Development.” CDS annual conference.
Emery, M., Lounsbery, N., Illahe, S., Redlin, M. 2021. “Reimaging inclusivity in higher education: an emerging theoretical model.” Annual AABSS conference.
Surovek, A, Redlin, M., Liel, A., Rowland, P. Anderson, C., Emery, M. SD-WISE STEM for All Virtual Showcase.
Miller, E., Hunt, A., Ball, J., and Emery, M. 2021. “START-SD: Addressing OUD in Rural South Dakota.” National Rural Health Association Virtual Conference.
Lounsbery, N. & Emery, M. 2021 “Turning the Lens on Us.” University Continuing and Professional Education Association National Virtual Conference.
Emery, M. 2021. “Evaluating away as the elephant trashes the room.” Midwest Sociological Society, virtual annual meeting.
Emery, M., Yingling, J., Schulz, M., Fickes, A., and Gaiani, M. 2021. Native Student Success: Investigating the Mismatch of Institution Policies and Practices and Student Everyday Ways of Thinking and Doing.” Midwest Sociological Society, virtual annual meeting.
Lounsbery, N., Emery, M., and Illahe, S. “Rethinking the Student Experience to Increase Access to Graduate Education for Tribal Colleges and Communities.” Midwest Sociological Society, virtual annual meeting.
Schulz, M., Emery, M., Fickes, A., and Gaiani, M. 2021. “Social construction: Using research on Native American student experiences to inform social work client advocacy.” National Association of Social Workers- South Dakota Meeting, Sioux Falls, SD.
Hendrix, L., Emery, M., Rason, B., and Hinz, L. Coming together to promote racial understanding: Building capacity to increase understanding.” Joint Council of Extension Professionals virtual conference.
Emery, M. &Illahe, S. 2020. “Expanding the Circle: Strategies for Fostering Tribal College Capacity” at AABSS, Las Vegas
Emery, M., Lounsbery, N. & Illahe, S. 2020. “Turning the lens on us: Bottom-up strategies to create more equitable systems.” Central Region UPCEA virtual conference.
Redlin, M., M. Emery. 2020. Power and Panic: An autoethnography of sociology faculty. Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting. Omaha, NE [canceled due to pandemic].
Redlin, M., M. Emery, M. Gaiani. 2020. “Change and Adaptation in the Modern University Structure” Annual American Association of Behavioral & Social Science Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Emery, M. & Lounsbery, N. 2019. “Using journey maps to assess student success.” American Evaluation Conference, Minneapolis.
“Emery, M. Gaiani, M, Schulz, M, Fickes, A & Yiingling. 2019. “Native student success: Investigating the structure of belonging.” Great Plains Sociology Association annual conference, Sioux Falls, SD.
Emery, M. Cook, S, Lipsker, A, & Lounsbery, N. 2019. “Tips and tools for ensuring nontraditional student success: A relational advising approach.” UPCEA Super Regional Conference, Denver.
Redlin, M. & Emery, M. 2019. “Can top-down system level result in policy changes that increase equity and fairness.” American Women in Science, October, Cleveland, OH.
Emery, M, Schulz, Yingling, and Gaini. 2019. “Factors influencing native student success.” Midwest Sociology Meetings. Chicago, April.
Redlin, M., Emery, M., Eduful, J.,& Avemegah, E. 2019. “Equity Change initiatives in a higher education Administrative TURNOVER Environment: a case study.” Association of Behavioral and Social Science, Las Vegas, February.
Emery, M. 2018. “To speak to power, you need a chair at the table.” American Evaluation Association Meetings, Cleveland.
Emery, M., Redlin, M., 2018. “Feels like starting over…Administrative Turnover and Policy Planning in Research on a State University System.” Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology, Norfolk.
Emery, M. Panelist: 2018. “What does our crystal ball say? Imagining the future of Sociology in SD.” Great Plains Sociological Society, Aberdeen SD.
Emery, M., Ahmed, P. & Arpan, F. 2018. “Native Student Success.” Great Plains Sociological Society, Aberdeen SD
Emery, M. 2018. “Indigenous society and social science: A tribal college/state land-grant collaboration.” Rural Sociological Society Meetings, Portland.
Emery, M. 2018. "Build Entrepreneurial Communities." Northwest CDI, Boise, ID.
Redlin, M., E. Tolman, A. Kiesow, C. Anderson, R. Miskimins, A. Podhradsky, A. Surovek, M. Emery. 2017. Six Universities, Six sets of data, One process of system change: SD-WISE work in the South Dakota Board of Regents System. Association for Women in Science: ADVANCE/GSE Program Workshop, Washington, DC.
Emery, Mary. 2017. “Ripple Effects Mapping: Understanding how community development efforts create change.” Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association conference, WDC.
Emery, Mary and Kilmer, Carey. 2017. “Linking online students to the major: building belonging to promote student success.” Paper presented at UPCEA Central Region Conference, October 18-20.
Goreham, G. and Emery M. 2017. “Ripple Effects Mapping and the Community Capitals.” Presentation and facilitated session at the Helping Small Towns Succeed: Clues, Capitals and Community Resilience conference, Lincoln, NE. October 17-19.
Emery, Mary. 2017. “Assessing impact using Ripple Mapping.” Paper presented at the National CDS/NACDEP joint conference, Big Sky Resort.
Emery, Mary. 2017. Emery, Mary and Gary A. Goreham. 2016. “Riding the Roller Coaster: Updates from the Bakken Oil Field.” Paper presented at the Great Plains Sociological Association annual meeting, Sioux Falls, SD, October 20-21, 2016.
Emery, M. & Goreham, G. 2016. “Ripple mapping: a research and evaluation tool.” Great Plains Sociology Association Annual Conference, Sioux Falls, SD.
Emery, M. & Arpan, F. 2016. “Working with a tribal college to build an applied social science curriculum.” Association for Applied and Clinical Society Annual Conference, Denver, October.
Emery, M. & Goreham, G. 2016. “Ripple mapping: an under-utilized research tool.” Rural Sociological Society Annual Conference, Toronto, CA.
Chazdon, S. Hanse, D. Emery, M. 2016. “Harnessing the power of ripple mapping to enhance community engagement.” Harnessing the power of ripple mapping to enhance community engagement. Community Development Society Annual Conference, Bloomington, MN.
Chazdon, S., Emery, M., Hansen, D, & Higgins, L. 2016. “The emergence of ripple effects mapping.” Presented at the annual National Association of Community Development Extension Practitioners, Burlington, VT., June.
Emery, M. & Redlin, M. 2016. “Creating a Regional Workforce for Rural Manufacturing: Linking Technical Education Systems and Students to Local Business.” PASCAL International Laboratory 13th annual conference Glasgow, June 2016.
Emery, M. & Yingling, J. 2016. “Qualitative Evaluation of Campus Climate Using
Appreciative Inquiry.” Presented the 2016 Midwest Sociological Society Meetings, Chicago, March.
Emery, M. & Yingling, J. 2015. “Qualitative analysis of campus climate and harassment: A focus on race the plight of Native American Students,” Association of Applied and Clinical Sociology, Montgomery: October.
Emery, M. 2016. “Using Appreciative Inquiry to Evaluate Campus Climate.” American Evaluation Associate Annual Conference, Chicago: November.
Redlin, M. & Emery, M. 2015. “University Outreach and Engagement with Ethnic Schools for Community Development.” Paper presented at the 12th annual Pascal Conference, Catania, IT.
Fergen, J. & Emery, M. 2015. “Measuring community capacity: Does it impact quality of life: Results from a South Dakota Study.” Lexington, KY: Community Development Society annual conference.
Emery, M. Emery, M, Hansen, D. Flora, C. & Flora J. 2015. “Community Capitals Framework: Ripple effects mapping: A holistic approach to identifying real community development impact.” Presented at Regard to Rural, Bend, OR June 2015.
Emery, M., “Using Ripple Effects Mapping to Determine Community Capitals Outcomes.” Presented at: Innovations in Collaborative Modeling: Addressing complex social and environmental problems through systems modeling techniques, Michigan State University, June, 2015.
Emery, M. & Philips, J. “Best Practices in 1994 Land Grant Community Development Programming.” Poster presentation at NACDEP, Little Rock, May 2015.
Emery, M. 2015.”Food Insecurity at SDSU: An Outcome of neoliberal policy.” Presented at the Midwest Sociology Society Annual Meeting, April.
Emery, M. 2014. “Actionable science: factors related to successful implementation of conservation buffers.” Rural Sociology Society, New Orleans.
Emery, M. 2014. “Using appreciative inquiry to identify best practices in multifunctional planning.” Midwest Sociological Society, Omaha, NE.
Chazdon, S., Emery, M. Higgins, L. & Hansen, D. “Using ripple mapping to evaluate impact: alternate methods.” National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals, Grand Rapids, MI, June 2014.
Emery, M., Calvert, M. & Hennessey, S. “Using ripple mapping to evaluate impact.” American Evaluation Association, WDC, November 2013.
Emery, M. and M. Redlin. 2013. “Internationalizing Online: Creating International Partnerships for Graduate Education.” Rural Sociological Society, New York, August.
Emery, M. 2013. “Theorizing Innovation and Regional Collaboration.” Community Development Society, Charleston.
Emery, M and G. Bentrup. 2013. “Using appreciative inquiry to identify best practices in multi-functional planning.” Ecological Restoration and Sustainability – Partners for the Future, Fifth Midwest-Great Lakes SER Chapter Meeting, Wooster, OH: April 12-14.
Emery, M. and M. Redlin. 2012. “A Framework for Learning, a Framework for Application: Use of the Community Capitals Framework in Pedagogy and Research.” PASCAL Development Laboratory Conference. Brest, France.
Emery, M. 2012 “A Community Engagement Approach to Building Local Food and Fitness Systems: The Northeast Iowa Story. “ Rural Sociological Society Annual Conference, Chicago.
Wall, M., M. Emery, N Walzer, and G. Wise. 2012.” Exploring Community Readiness, Capacity and Measurement.” Community Development Society Annual Meeting, Cincinnati.
Emery, M. 2012. “Connecting Communities and Schools to Make the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice,” Community Development Society Annual Meeting, Cincinnati.
Emery, M. 2012. “Using Appreciative Inquiry to Build Capacity of School Wellness Teams.” 4th Global Conference on Appreciative Inquiry, Gent, Belgium.
Emery, M. 2011. “Capacity building and evaluation: sustainable organizational development. American Evaluation Association, Anaheim, CA.
”Emery, M. 2011. “Using the community capitals framework to evaluation community wellness project.” American Evaluation Association, Anaheim, CA.
Emery, M. Emery, M., B. Baker, and K. Nathaniel. 2011 “Using the community capitals framework to map project impact.” American Evaluation Association, Anaheim, CA.
Van Lopek, W. and M. Emery. 2010. "Climate Change and Indigenous Communities: Menominee Nation.”." Presented at the 2011 conference of the Community Development Society, Boise, ID.
Emery, M. and M Redlin. 2011. “Using complexity theory to understand efforts to address climate change policy formation.” ICASS conference, Iceland.
Emery, M. 2011. “Towards and understanding of the community change process: using the community capitals framework to evaluation the impact of 22 community wellness grants.” Austin, TX: National Rural Health Association, May.
Emery, M. 2011. “Online learning and real-time community and organizational change.” St Louis: US Distance Learning Society, May 4.
Emery, M. 2011. “Coaching for community change: results of a study of the impact of coaching on coaches and their organizations.” Charleston: National Association of Community Development Professionals, March.

Other Professional Publications
Emery, M. Yingling, J., Schulz, M, Fickes, A, & Gaiani, M. “What is working for Native American Students: Research to Determine What We Are Doing Well and What We Can Do Better to Support Native American Student Success.” Submitted to the Wokini Initiative, SDSU.
Emery, M. 2015. Campus Climate Task Force: Final Report. SDSU.
Emery, M. 2014. Creating a Regional Workforce for Rural Manufacturing: Linking Technical Education Systems and Students to Local Business: Final Evaluation Report. Submitted to NSF, July 2014.
Emery, M. 2013. Using Actionable Science to Support Multi-function Conservation Planning: Phase 2. Submitted to the USFS.
Emery, M. Barbara Baker, Matthew Calvert & Mary Emery (2011). Mapping Your Impact in the Community. In National 4-H Council Engaging Youth Serving Community: Tools for Evaluation of Your EYSC Project. Downloaded from
Emery, M. Hubbell, K.& Miles-Polka, B. 2010: A Field Guide to Community Coaching.
Emery, M. and K. Hubbell. 2009. Guiding Sustainable Community Change: An Introduction to Coaching. Ames: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development. 2009.
Emery, M. 2009. Investing in Sustainable Community Change: A Funder’s Guide to Community Coaching. Ames: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development. 2009.
Emery, M., K. Hubbell, D. Williams, and B. Miles-Polka. 2009. Engaging in Sustainable Community Change: A Community Guide to Community Coaching. Ames: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development. 2009.
Emery, M., K. Hubbell, and B. Miles-Polka. 2009. Facilitating Sustainable Community Change: A Direct Service Organization’s Guide to Community Coaching. Ames: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development.
Emery, M. and I. Gutierrez. 2008. Coaching: para la promocion de cambios en la comunidad y el desarrollo: Cuaderno decapacitacion. CATIE:Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investagacion y Ensenanza, Turrialba, Costa Rica.
Emery, M. 2008. From Ripples to Waves: The Rural Community College Initiative to Build New Partnerships in Support of America's Rural Communities (RRD 190). Ames, IA: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development.
Emery, M. 2008. From the Ground UP: Growing Entrepreneurship in the North Central Region, NCRCRD.
Emery, M. 2007. “Coaching for Community and Organizational Change: Adding Value to Community Initiatives.” Vanguard: Newsletter of the Community Development Society, September.
Emery, M, and S. Fey. 2007. Promising Practices: Stories of Success in Tribal and Native-serving Colleges. Ames, IA: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development.
Emery, M. and C. Flora. 2007. Using the Community Capitals Framework to Map Strategies and Evaluation Plans: A Training Design for NRFC Demonstration Projects. Ames, IA: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development.
Emery, M. 2007. Coaching for Community Change: A Training Manual. Ames, IA: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development.
Emery, M., C. Bregendahl, C. Flora, K. Mantonya, M. Wall, and B. Schmitt. 2006. “Economic Development in Indian Country: What’s Working,” Vanguard: Newsletter of the Community Development Society, Winter.
Emery, M., J. Zuches and J. Goodwin. 2006. “Listening Across America on Rural Entrepreneurship: Successes, Potentials, and Possibilities.” Vanguard: Newsletter of the Community Development Society, Fall.
Emery, M. 2004. “Community Development Consortium Forming: Six States Involved in On-line Program.” Vanguard: Newsletter of the Community Development Society, Winter.
Emery, M., C. Schroeder and R Carlson. 2003. “How to Attract and Retain Youth.” Vanguard: Newsletter of the Community Development Society, Fall,
Emery, Mary. 2003. “Heartland Helping Places Compete Again.” Vanguard: Newsletter of the Community Development Society, December.
Emery, Mary. 2001. “Turning Business Expansion and Retention on its Head.” Vanguard: Newsletter of the Community Development Society, December.
Area(s) of Research
Currently, she is working with the Quality of Life data for SD. and analyzing data from a community change research project. She is part of a multi-state integrated project on youth development and community social capital. Dr. Emery co-convenes a multi-state project on community change.
