Matthew Elliott

Matthew Elliott


SDSU Extension Agribusiness Specialist

Office Building



Mailing Address

Harding Hall 204
Economics ABS-Box 2220
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007


Dr. Elliott is an Associate Professor in the Ness School of Management and Economics at South Dakota State University. Matthew has taught an Advanced Agribusiness Course for graduate and undergraduate students, conducts research for the agricultural experiment station, and serves as the state extension agent specialist on agribusiness. Matthew has provided consulting and research on ag land assessment policy, and commercial platforms to analyze precision agriculture data. He has published research on farm and agribusiness management, cooperatives, contracts, ag land assessment policy, and data analytics in the Journal of Commodity Markets, Choices, Agricultural Resources and Economics Review, and Applied Economics Teaching Resources. Matthew is a co-editor of a forthcoming Handbook on Cooperatives and Mutuals for Edward Elgar Publishing.
B.S. Agribusiness from California Polytechnic State University ,San Luis Obispo (2001)
M.S. Agricultural and Applied Economics University of Missouri, Columbia
Ph.D. Agricultural and Applied Economics University of Missouri ,Columbia
Academic Interests
Agriculture Organizations, Institutions, and Economic Performance.
Contracts between farms and farmer cooperatives including marketing, governance, equity, and production contracts to mitigate risk and enhance return
Changes to agriculture institutions (public policy and organizations)
PMy research focuses on agriculture organizations, institutions, and economic performance. Research areas include contracts between farms and farmer cooperatives including marketing, governance, equity, and production contracts to mitigate risk and enhance return. The research also studies changes to agriculture institutions (public policy and organizations). My research approach emphasizes predictive data analytics, big data, and precision agriculture.
Predictive data analytics, big data, and precision agriculture.
Academic Responsibilities
AGEC 371 (2019)
Extension Responsibilities
State Agribusiness Specialist
Awards and Honors
Best Journal Article - Agricultural Resources and Economic Review (2017)
2021: Elliott, M. Agricultural Land Productivity Assessment for Taxation Purposes Project, Principal Investigator, South Dakota Department of Revenue.

2020-2025: Agriculture Institutions and Economic Performance, Principal Investigator, USDA-NIFA Hatch Project.
Professional Memberships
NCERA-210 Multi-State Research Committee on Cooperatives (Chair 2019-2021)
AEM Section of AAEA (Executive Committee 2016-2020)
Area(s) of Research
Risk Analysis
Data Analytics
Precision Agriculture
Applications of Research
Elliott, M., & Boland, M. (Ed.). (2022). The Edward Elgar Handbook on Cooperatives and Mutuals.
Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements

Elliott, M., & Olson, F. (2022). The New Institutional Economic Theory of Cooperatives: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead. In Michael Boland and Matthew Elliott (Eds.), The Edward Elgar Handbook on Cooperatives and Mutuals.

Elliott, M., & Boland, M. (2022). Introduction to the Handbook on Cooperatives and Mutuals. In Michael Boland and Matthew Elliott (Eds.), The Edward Elgar Handbook on Cooperatives and Mutuals.

Elliott, M., & Olson, F. (2022). Managing Cooperative Risk and Uncertainty in the 21st Century. The Edward Elgar Handbook on Cooperatives and Mutuals.

Elliott, M., Olson, F., & Grashuis, J. (2022). Towards a New Framework on Cooperative Strategy. The Edward Elgar Handbook on Cooperatives and Mutuals.

Elliott, M., & Boland, M. (2022). The Role of Cooperatives and Mutuals in the 21st Century. The Edward Elgar Handbook on Cooperatives and Mutuals.

Elliott, M. S., & Elliott, L. M. (2020). Developing R Shiny Web Applications for Extension Education. Applied Economics and Teaching Resources.

Elliott, M., & Elliott, L. (2020). Using Data Analytics and Decision-Making Tools for Agribusiness and Extension Education. Applied Economics and Teaching Resources.

Elliott, M., Elliott, L., Wang, T., & Malo, D. (2020). A Change in Highest and Best Use Policy in South Dakota Has a Sizable Impact on Agricultural Land Assessments. Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm, and Resource Issues.

Elliott, M. S., Elliott, L. M., & Wang, T. (2020). Meandering water in the Prairie Pothole Region of South Dakota. Journal of ASFMRA.

Elliott, M. (2019). New generation grain contracts in corn and soybean commodity markets. Journal of Commodity Markets.

Elliott, M. S., Elliott, L. M., & Van der Sluis, E. E. (2018). A Predictive Analytics Understanding of Cooperative Membership Heterogeneity and Sustainability. Sustainability.

Elliott, L. M., Saleh, S., & Elliott, M. (2018). Can Camelina and Carinata be Profitable in South Dakota? Journal of ASFMRA.

Grashuis, J., & Elliott, M. S. (2018). The role of capital capacity, spatial competition, and strategic orientation to mergers and acquisitions by US farmer cooperatives. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management.

Elliott, M. S., & James, H. (2017). Nature of the Farm: Revisited. Agricultural & Resource Economics Review.
Teaching and Learning Scholarship
