Molly Enz


Distinguished Professor

Office Building



Mailing Address

Lincoln Hall 311
School of American & Global Studies-Box 2212
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007


My objective as a humanities educator is to provide students with the tools to broaden their horizons. I expose my students to a variety of ideas, values, practices, and perspectives they might not otherwise encounter in order to expand their worldviews and challenge them to think critically about the world around them. My research is interdisciplinary in nature and weaves together several areas of inquiry: French and Francophone literature and cinema, postcolonial theory and gender studies. I attempt to draw out how legacies of inequalities, power and privilege have inflected notions of race, gender, identity and social change in Francophone literature and film written/produced/set in Senegal and Haiti.
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.A. University of Wisconsin-Madison
B.A. Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota
Academic Interests
Francophone literature, culture, and cinema from West Africa and the Caribbean
Intercultural competence
Experiential learning
Academic Responsibilities
Introductory and intermediate French language courses
Francophone literature, culture, and cinema courses
Introductory and advanced global studies courses
Introduction to Global Citizenship and Diversity
Global Studies Program Coordinator
Study Abroad Program Faculty Leader (Senegal in 2023, 2019, 2016, 2014; Dominican Republic in 2015, 2013)
Committee Activities
SDSU National Scholarships Committee
SDSU Fulbright Scholar Liaison
College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty Council
Honors College Representative for School of American and Global Studies
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Committee Member
West African Research Association Board Member
Fulbright U.S. Student Program National Screening Committee (2023, 2021)
Awards and Honors
Distinguished Professor, SDSU, 2024
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute, Montgomery College & Howard University, 2022 ("Concepts of Black Diaspora in the United States: Identity and Connections among African, Afro-Caribbean, and African American Communities")
Sewrey Faculty Colloquium Invited Lecture, SDSU, 2023 (Research), 2021 (Teaching) & 2019 (Service)
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Award for Outstanding Research in the Humanities, SDSU, 2018
Edward Patrick Hogan Award for Teaching Excellence, SDSU, 2015
Faculty Award for Excellence in Global Engagement, SDSU, 2014
Phi Kappa Phi Victor Webster Faculty Award & Invited Lecture, SDSU, 2013
Faculty Award for Excellence in Service-Learning, SDSU, 2012
College of Arts & Sciences Teacher of the Year, SDSU, 2012
College of Arts & Sciences Award for Outstanding Scholarship, SDSU, 2012
Kuehl, R. (PI), Enz, M. (Co-PI) Bush Foundation Community Innovation Grant, 2020-2022
Enz, M. Fulbright U.S. Scholar in Senegal, U.S. Department of State, 2016-2017
Enz, M. Academic Excellence Grant for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, SDSU, 2015-2016
Enz, M. Research/Scholarship Support Fund, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, SDSU, 2016, 2013, 2010
Enz, M. Ping Faculty Development Fellowship, Council on International Educational Exchange, 2012
Enz, M. Women & Giving Grant, SDSU Foundation, 2013, 2012, 2010
Enz, M. Scholarly Excellence Grant for Faculty/Undergraduate Research, SDSU, 2012-2013
Thomas, J. (PI), Enz, M. (Co-PI) American Association of Teachers of French Small Grant, 2011
Enz, M. American Association of Teachers of French Summer Seminar Grant to Switzerland and Belgium, 2008
Baggett, M-P. (Co-PI), Enz, M. (Co-PI) New Ideas Teaching Fellowship, SDSU, 2008
Professional Memberships
African Literature Association
African Studies Association
South Dakota World Affairs Council
West African Research Association (Board Member)
Women in French
Work Experience
Visiting Assistant Professor of French, Augsburg College, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Area(s) of Research
Contemporary Francophone literature, culture and cinema from Senegal and Haiti
Nineteenth-century French literature and culture
Intercultural competence
Gender studies


Open Prairie