Tong Wang Web Size


Associate Professor and Extension Advanced Production Specialist

Office Building



Mailing Address

Harding Hall 201
Economics-Box 2220
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007


Tong Wang is an Associate Professor and Advanced Production Specialist located on the SDSU campus. She has led/participated in 13 projects through multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional collaborations across the colleges and institutes. Her research and outreach interests cover interrelated themes at the human-agriculture-environment nexus, including: 1) soil conservation practices and economics of soil health; 2) land use conversion decisions, patterns and influencing factors and 3) sustainable grazing management strategies. Dr. Wang has published nearly 40 peer-reviewed journal articles in top agricultural economics journals and interdisciplinary journals. She also regularly publishes extension articles in SDSU extension website covering various topics on economics of the agricultural production, which have received broad media coverage from local, regional and national level.
Ph.D. in Economics Iowa State University (2012)
Academic Interests
Sustainable Agriculture Production
Natural Resource Economics
