Xiangming Guan

Xiangming Guan


Professor Emeritus of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Office Building



Mailing Address

Avera Health & Science 271
College Of Pharmacy-Box 2202C
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007
Ph.D. Medicinal Chemistry, University of Kansas, 1991
M.S. Medicinal Chemistry, University of Kansas, 1988
B.S. Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Zhejiang Medical University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, P.R. China, 1982
Awards and Honors
1. Arthur W. Davidson Award for outstanding achievement as a graduate student in one of the chemically-based disciplines, received from the University of Kansas Chapter of Phi Lambda Upsilon (national honorary chemical society). 1987
2. The 6th Annual Graduate Honor Award from the School of Pharmacy, University of Kansas. 1991
3. 1991 Irsay-Dahle Award as an outstanding graduate student in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Kansas. 1991
4. College of Pharmacy Faculty Recognition Award for Research and Scholarship for 1997-1998 from the College of Pharmacy, South Dakota State University. 1998
5. College of Pharmacy Faculty Recognition Award for Research and Scholarship for 2000-2001 from the College of Pharmacy, South Dakota State University. 2001
6. 2008-2009 Teacher of the Year South Dakota State University Students’ Association 2009
7. College of Pharmacy 2010 Distinguished Researchers and Scholars
8. F. O. Butler Award for Excellence in Research, South Dakota State University 2017
Ongoing Research Support as Principal Investigator
Enhancing the Capacity and Competitiveness of Cancer Research at South Dakota State University
Funding Agency: SDBOR Research & Development Innovation Grants
Amount: $278,111.50
Principle Investigators: Xiangming Guan, Ph.D. and Omathanu Perumal, Ph.D.
Co-Investigators: Wenfeng An, Ph.D., Joshua Reineke, Ph.D., Hemachand Tummala, Ph.D.
Period: 8/22/2018 - 6/15/2020

Past research funding as principal investigator
1. Benzofurazan sulfide fluorogenic agents for live cell subcellular thiol imaging $327,503 (1R15GM107197-01A1)
Principal investigator: Xiangming Guan
Co-PI: Ying Fang, Ph.D., Xingzhong Yan, Ph.D.
Agency National Institutes of Health
Period: May 1, 2014-April 30, 2018
2. Thiol specific fluorogenic agents for laser scanning confocal microscopy $430,296
Principal investigator: Guan, Xiangming
Co-investigator: Xingzhong Yan, Ph.D.; Ying Fang, Ph.D.
Agency National Institutes of Health
Period: May, 2010-September, 2013

3. Inhibition of glutathione reductase and ovarian cancer drug resistance reversal $213,083.00 (1R15CA120062-01)
Principal investigator: Xiangming Guan, Ph.D.
Co-investigator: Chandradhar Dwivedi, Ph.D.; Srinath Palakurthi, Ph.D.; Xiuqing Wang, Ph.D. Cuirong Ren, Ph.D.
Agency National Institutes of Health
Period: May 1, 2006-April 30, 2010

4. Glutathione reductase and tumor sensitvity to radiation, $140,843 (1R15CA098810-01)
Principal investigator: Xiangming Guan, Ph.D.
Co-investigator: Douglas F. McFarland, Ph.D.; Dwivedi, Chandradhar, Ph.D.
Agency National Institutes of Health
Period: May 1, 2003-April 30, 2006

5. Study of antitumor mechanism of diarylsulfonylureas, $105,000 (1R15CA079540-01)
Principal investigator: Xiangming Guan, Ph.D.
Co-investigator: Douglas F. McFarland, Ph.D.; Binghe Wang, Ph.D.
Agency National Institutes of Health
Period: April 15, 1999-April 30, 2003

6. Development of Thiol Specific Fluorescence Agents $7,000
Principal investigator: Guan, Xiangming
Agency: South Dakota State University (SDSU)
Type: Research support fund
Period: 2008-2009

7. Inhibition of Glutathione Reductase as a Novel Approach to Reverse Ovarian Cancer Resistance to Chemotherapy, $29,226
Principal investigator: Xiangming Guan, Ph.D.
Co-investigator: Srinath Palakurthi, Ph.D.
Agency: 2005 Governor Rounds’ Individual Research Seed Grant Awards, South Dakota
Period: September 1, 2005-August 30, 2006
8. Development of Novel Glutathione Reductase Inhibitors $7,000
Principal investigator: Guan, Xiangming
Agency: South Dakota State University (SDSU)
Type: Research support fund
Period: 2002-2003

9. The effect of Soy Phytochemicals on Human Cortical Neuronal Cells, $15,000
Period: 2000-2001
Principal investigators: Suman Mukherjee, Ph.D.;
Manisha Sonee, Ph.D.;
Xiangming Guan, Ph.D.;
Chunyang Wang, Ph.D.
Agency: Ethel Austin Martin Program in Human Nutrition at SDSU

10. Glutathione reductase inhibitors as novel antitumor agents and agents to reverse tumor resistance, $5,000
Period: 1998-1999
Agency: South Dakota State University (SDSU) Research Support Fund

Past research funding as co-investigator
1. Localized Transcutaneous Delivery of Endoxifen for Estrogen Dependent Breast Cancer $107,251.00
Principal investigator: Omathanu Perumal, Ph.D.
Co-investigator: Xiangming Guan, Ph.D.
Other co-investigator Chandradhar Dwivedi, Ph.D.
Agency Department of Defense
Period: September 30, 2011- September 30, 2012

2. Novel polyamine-conjugated dendrimers for the pretargeted chemotherapy of ovarian cancer $213,000
Principal Investigator: Srinath Palakurthi, Ph.D.
Co-investigators: Xiangming Guan, Ph.D. and Chandradhar Dwivedi, Ph.D.
Agency: National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD
Period: July 20, 2006-June 30, 2009

3. Novel Targeting approach for breast cancer gene therapy $108,375
Principal Investigator: Srinath Palakurthi, Ph.D.
Co-investigators: Xiangming Guan, Ph.D. and Gareth Davies, Ph.D.
Agency: Department of Defense (BC075798)
Grant Period: September 2008-August 2009

4. The Role of PRRSV Nonstructural Protein 2 in Viral Replication $75,835
Principal investigator: Ying Fang, Ph.D.
Co-investigator: Xiangming Guan, Ph.D.
Agency: USDA-NRI, PRRSV integrated
Period: August, 2006-July, 2007

5. Skin cancer prevention by -santalol, $105,000
Principal investigator: Dwivedi, Chandradhar, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, South Dakota State University
Co-investigator: Guan, Xiangming, Ph.D.
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Period: 1999-2003

Teaching and Scholarly Fund
Molecular Modeling in a Graduate Level Medicinal Chemistry Course, $4,000
Principal Investigator: Teresa Seefeldt and Xiangming Guan
South Dakota State University Scholarly Excellence Funds, 2014-2015

Equipment Grants Awarded
1. Acquisition of an in-vivo Imaging System for Small Animals and Plants $100,000
Co-PI, South Dakota Research & Development Innovation Grant, 2013
Hemachand Tummala (PI); Co-PI: Shafiqur Rahman, Hongwei Zhang, Omathanu Perumal, Zhu-qiu Jin, Michael Brown, Moul Dey, Feng Li, Radhey Kaushik, Jai Rohila, Senthil Subramanyan, Chandrasekher Gudiseva
2. MRI: Acquisition of liquid-chromatography tandem mass-spectrometer for a multi-user core mass-spectrometery facility $522,613.
Co-PI, National Science Foundation, 2010.
Brian Logue (PI); Co-PI: Jihong Cole-Dai; Douglas Raynie; Matt Miller; Volker Brozel, Youngjae You; Qiquan Qiao; James Rice
3. Acquisition of Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer
Co-PI, United States Department of Agriculture, 1998, $50,000.
Krishnan, P. (PI); Co-PIs: Wang, C.Y.; Matthees, D.; Muthu, K.; Preuss, C.
4. Acquisition of Cell Culture and Tissue Analysis Facilities
PI, SDSU Instrumentation Fund, 1999, $10,000.
(Co-PIs: Dwivedi, C.; Singh, Y.N.; Halaweish, F.T.)
5. Upgrade of a 300 MHz NMR Spectrometer
Co-PI, National Science Foundation, 2000, $80,000
6. Acquisition of Cell Culture and Tissue Analysis Facilities
Co-PI, EPSCoR Internal Instrumentation Grant, 2000, $31,000.
(PI: Mukherjee, S; Co-PIs: Dwivedi, C.; Singh, Y.N.; Halaweish, F.T.)
7. Updating Research Infrastructure in the College of Pharmacy
PI, EPSCoR Internal Instrumentation Grant, 2003 $20,000

Fellowships Awarded for Undergraduate Research
1. Molecular mechanism study of antitumor activity of diarylsulfonylureas
Merck Research Scholar Program Award, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, 1997-1998. $8,000
2. Asymmetric synthesis of -alkylated -amino acids
Joseph F. Nelson Undergraduate Research Mentorship, SDSU, June 1, 1998-May 30, 1999. $3,000
3. Investigation of G0013’s effect on tumor resistance to chemotherapy
Joseph F. Nelson Undergraduate Research Mentorship, SDSU, June 1, 1999-May 30, 2000. $3,000
4. Development of a highly specific and sensitive quantitation method for glutathione in biological samples
Joseph F. Nelson Undergraduate Research Mentorship, SDSU, June 1, 2000-May 30, 2001. $3,000
5. Investigation of G0013’s effect on tumor resistance to chemotherapy
2000-2001 AFPE “Gateway” Research Scholarship, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. $5,000
6. Development of novel glutathione reductase inhibitors
Merck Research Scholar Program Award for Professional Degree Pharmacy Students, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, 2002-2003. $5,500
7. Determination of cysteine content in the kidneys of different animal species and the role of kidney cysteine in the formation of mercapturic acid conjugates
South Dakota EPSCoR Rushmore Undergraduate Research Fellowship, 2002, $3,000
8. Mercapturic acid biosynthesis in different mammalian species
South Dakota EPSCoR Rushmore Undergraduate Research Fellowship, 2003, $3,000
9. Determination of the enzyme(s) for cysteine conjugation
South Dakota EPSCoR Rushmore Undergraduate Research Fellowship, 2003, $3,000
10. Investigation of G0021’s Effect on Tumor Resistance to Chemotherapy
South Dakota EPSCoR Rushmore Undergraduate Research Fellowship, 2004, $3,000
11. Investigation of G0021’s Effect on the Resistance of Ovarian Cancer to Cisplatin
Joseph F. Nelson Undergraduate Research Mentorship, SDSU, 2004, $3,000
12. Investigation of G0026’s Effect on Tumor Resistance to L-PAM, Joseph F. Nelson Undergraduate Research Mentorship, SDSU, 2005, $3,000
13. Microtubule Glutathionylation as a Novel Target for the Development of Anticancer Agents, 2011 Undergraduate Research Mentorship from the SDSU Honor College, $3,000
1. Guan, X.; Li, YH.; Yang, Y. Benzofurazan Compounds and Methods, US Provisional App No. 61/649,167, filed on May 18, 2012.
2. Guan, X.; Dwivedi, C.; Seefeldt, T.; Sadhu, S. GSSG Liposomes and Cancer Treatments, US Provisional App No. 61903522, filed on November 13, 2013.
3. Guan, X.; Dwivedi, C.; Seefeldt, T.; Sadhu, S Anti-metastatic effect of Glutathione Disulfide Liposomes, US Provisional App No. 62077470, filed on November 10, 2014.
4. Combination Uses of Dichloroacetate and Oxamate, and Their Prodrugs, for Cancer Treatment, Guan, X.; Dwivedi, C.; Li, YH.; Yang, Y.; Lee, J.; Miskimins, K. US Provisional App No. 61/985,876, filed on April 29, 2014.
5. Combination Uses of Dichloroacetate and Oxamate, and Their Prodrugs, for Cancer Treatment, Guan, X.; Dwivedi, C.; Li, YH.; Yang, Y.; Lee, J.; Miskimins, K. US patent App No. 14/699.946, filed on April 29, 2015.
6. Guan, X., Dwivedi, C., Seefeldt, T., Sadhu, S. Glutathione Disulfide Compositions and Related Methods for the Treatment of Cancer, United States Patent Application No. 14/875,862, filed on October 6, 2015
7. Guan, X.; Dwivedi, C.; Li, YH.; Yang, Y.; Lee, J.; Miskimins, K. Combination Uses of Dichloroacetate and Oxamate, and Their Prodrugs, for Cancer Treatment. US patent (US 9,556,113 B2) Date of Patent: January 31, 2017
8. Guan, X.; Najmi, A.; Wang, S.; Huang, Y.; Seefeldt, T.; Alqahtani, Y. Glutathione-Cholesterol Derivatives as Brain Targeting Agents, US Provisional App No. 62/717,449, filed on August 10, 2018.
9. Guan, X.; Najmi, A.; Wang, S.; Huang, Y.; Seefeldt, T.; Alqahtani, Y. Glutathione-Cholesterol Derivatives as Brain Targeting Agents, Patent application, App. Serial No. 62717449, File No. 8968718/142785, filed on August 12, 2019.
10. Guan, X.; Najmi, A.; Wang, S.; Huang, Y.; Seefeldt, T.; Alqahtani, Y. Glutathione-Cholesterol Derivatives as Brain Targeting Agents, US/PCT application (PCT/US2019/00039) filed on August 12, 2019.
Professional Memberships
1). American Chemical Society, Division of Medicinal Chemistry
2). American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
3). Rho Chi Honorary Society
4). Chinese-American Chemistry & Chemical Biology Professors Association (CAPA) (President, 2018-2020)
Creative Activities
1. Wang S., Huang Y., Guan X.* Fluorescent Probes for Live Cell Thiol Detection. Molecules, 2021, 26, 3575. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26123575
2. Najmi A, Wang S., Hwang Y, Seefeldt T, Alqahtani Y, 2-(2-Cholesteroxyethoxyl)ethyl 3’-S-glutathionylpropionate and Its Self-assembled Micelles for Brain Drug Delivery: Design, Synthesis and Evaluation, Int J Pharm. 2021, May 1;600:120520.doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2021.120520.
3. Alqahtani Y, Wang S., Najmi A, Huang Y, Guan X* Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Bis(7-(N-(2-morpholinoethyl)sulfamoyl)benzo[c][1,2,5]oxadiazol-5-yl)sulfane (BISMORX) for Non-Protein Thiol Imaging in Lysosomes in Live Cells, Anal Chem 2019, 91, 15300-15307. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b04552.
4. Alqahtani Y, Wang S., Najmi A, Huang Y, Guan X* Thiol-specific fluorogenic agent for live cell non-protein thiol imaging in lysosomes, Anal Bioanal Chem. 2019, 411:6463–6473.
5. Wang S, Yin H, Huang Y, Guan X.* 7,7'-Thiobis(N-rhodamine-benzo[c][1,2,5]oxadiazole-4-sulfonamide) for Non-protein Thiol Fluorescence Imaging and Quantification in Mitochondria in Live Cells, Anal Chem 2018, 90, 8170-8177. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b01469.
6. Sadhu S. S., Wang S.G., Dachineni R., Averineni R.K., Seefeldt T., Xie J., Tummala H., Bhat G. J., Guan X.* In vitro and in vivo Anti-metastatic Effect of Glutathione Disulfide Liposomes. Cancer Growth and Metastasis, 2017, 10, 1-11. DOI: 10.1177/1179064417695255
7. Sadhu S. S., Wang S.G., Dachineni R., Averineni R.K., Yang Y., Yin H.H., Bhat G. J., Guan X.* In vitro and in vivo Tumor Growth Inhibition by Glutathione Disulfide Liposomes. Cancer Growth and Metastasis 2017, 10, 1-10. DOI: 10.1177/1179064417696070
8. Yang Y., Guan, X.* Non-protein thiol imaging and quantification in live cells with a novel benzofurazan sulfide triphenylphosphonium fluorogenic compound, Anal Bioanal Chem. 2017, 409, 3417-3427. doi: 10.1007/s00216-017-0285-y.
9. Guan X. Editorial of Virtual Special Issue on Progress in Medicinal Chemistry. Acta Pharm Sin B. 2016, 6, 510-511.
10. Rodman SN, Spence JM, Ronnfeldt TJ, Zhu Y, Solst SR, O'Neill RA, Allen BG, Guan X, Spitz DR, Fath MA. Enhancement of Radiation Response in Breast Cancer Stem Cells by Inhibition of Thioredoxin- and Glutathione-Dependent Metabolism. Radiat Res. 2016, 186, 385-395.
11. Sadhu S.S., Wang, S., Averineni R.K., Seefeldt T., Yang Y., Guan X.* In vitro and in vivo Inhibition of Melanoma Growth and Metastasis by the Drug Combination of Celecoxib and Dacarbazine. Melanoma Res. 2016, 26, 572-579.
12. Sadhu S. S., Xie J., Zhang H., Perumal O., Guan X.* Glutathione disulfide liposomes - a research tool for the study of glutathione disulfide associated functions and dysfunctions. Biochim Biophys Rep. 2016, 7, 225-229.
13. Chen W, Jiang Z, Lin N, Zheng Z, Chen Z, Zhang X, Guan X. Evaluation of N-acetyl-S-(p-chlorophenylcarbamoyl)cysteine as an irreversible inhibitor of mammalian thioredoxin reductase1. J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem. 2016, 31, 229-35.
14. Guan X. Cancer metastases: challenges and opportunities, Acta Pharm Sin B, 2015, 5, 402-418.
15. Yang Y., Guan X.* Rapid and Thiol-Specific High-Throughput Assay for Simultaneous Relative Quantification of Total Thiols, Protein Thiols, and Nonprotein Thiols in Cells, Anal Chem 2015, 87, 649-655.
16. Sadhu S. S., Callegari E., Zhao Y., Guan X.,* and Seefeldt T.* Evaluation of a Dithiocarbamate Inhibitor of Human Glutaredoxin-1. J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem, 2013, 28, 456-62.
17. Li YH., Yang Y., Guan X.* Benzofurazan Sulfides for Thiol Imaging and Quantification in Live Cells through Fluorescence Microscopy, Anal Chem 2012, 84, 6877-6883. (NIHMS394213, Publ.ID: ac301306s)
18. Chen W., Seefeldt T., Young A., Zhang X., Zhao Y., Ruffolo J., Radhey Kaushik R., Guan X.* Microtubule S-Glutathionylation as a Potential Approach for Antimitotic Agents, BMC Cancer 2012, Jun 15;12:245.
19. Venuganti V.V., Sahdev P., Hildreth M., Guan X., Perumal O. Structure-Skin Permeability Relationship of Dendrimers. Pharm Res. 2011, 28, 2246-2260.
20. Chen W., Seefeldt T., Young A., Zhang X., Guan X.* Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of N-Acetyl-S-(p-chlorophenylcarbamoyl)cysteine (NACC) and Its Analogs as a Novel Class of Anticancer Agents. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2011, 19, 287-294.
21. Chen Z., Lawson S., Sun, Z., Zhou X., Guan X., Christopher-Hennings J., Nelson E. A., Fang Y. Identification of two auto-cleavage products of nonstructural protein 1 (nsp1) in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infected cells: nsp1 function as interferon antagonist. Virology 2010, 398, 87-97.
22. Zhao Y., Seefeldt T., Chen W., Carlson L., Stoebner A., Hanson S., Foll R., Matthees D.P., Palakurthi S., Guan X.* Increase in thiol oxidative stress via glutathione reductase inhibition as a novel approach to enhance cancer sensitivity to x-ray irradiation. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 2009, 47, 176-183.
23. Zhao Y., Seefeldt T., Chen W., Wang X., Matthees D., Hu Y., Guan X.* Effects of glutathione reductase inhibition on cellular thiol redox and related systems. Arch Biochem Biophys 2009, 485, 56-62.
24. Seefeldt T., Zhao Y., Chen W., Raza A., Carlson L., Herman J., Stoebner A., Hanson S., Foll R., Guan X.* Characterization of a novel dithiocarbamate glutathione reductase inhibitor and its use as a tool to modulate intracellular glutathione. J. Biol. Chem. 2009, 284, 2729-2737.
25. Chen W., Zhao Y., Seefeldt T., Guan X.* Determination of thiols and disulfides via HPLC quantification of 5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal.2008, 48, 1375–1380.
26. Pisal D.S., Yellepeddi V.K., Kumar A., Kaushik R.S., Hildreth M.B., Guan X., Palakurthi S. Permeability of surface-modified polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers across Caco-2 cell monolayers. Int J Pharm. 2008, 350, 113-121.
27. Dwivedi C., Valluri H.B. , Guan X. , Agarwal R. Chemopreventive effects of -santalol on ultraviolet B radiation-induced skin tumor development in SKH-hairless mice. Carcinogenesis. 2006, 27, 1917-1922.
28. Seefeldt T. , Dwivedi C. , Peitz G. , Carlson L. , Herman J. , Zhang Z. , Guan X.* 2-Acetylamino-3-[4-(2-acetylamino-2-carboxy-ethylsulfanylcarbonylamino)phenylcarbamoyl-sulfanyl]propionic acid and its derivatives as a novel class of glutathione reductase inhibitors. J. Med. Chem. 2005, 48, 5224 - 5231.
29. Dwivedi C. , Maydew E.R. , Hora J.J. , Ramaeker D.M., Guan X. Chemopreventive effects of various concentrations of alpha-santalol on skin cancer development in CD-1 mice. Eur. J. Cancer Prev. 2005 14, 473-476.
30. Kaur M. , Agarwal C. , Singh R. P. , Dwivedi C. , Guan X., Agarwal R. Skin cancer chemopreventive agent, alpha-Santalol , induces apoptotic death of human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells via caspases activation together with dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential and cytochorme c release. Carcinogenesis 2005, 26, 369-380.
31. Guan X. ,* Dwivedi C. , Kim S. Y. , Fine T. , Ratzsch A. , Seefeldt T. , Peitz G. , Zhang Z. Mercapturic Acid Biosynthesis of 1-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene in Rat Kidney. Current Topics in Toxicology. 2004, 1, 153-160.
32. Dwivedi C., Guan X., Harmsen W.L., Voss A.L. , Goetz-Parten D.E. , Koopman E.M. , Johnson K.M., Valluri H.B. , Matthees D.P. Chemopreventive Effects of alpha-Santalol on Skin Tumor Development in Cd-1 and Sencar mice. Cancer Epidemiol., Biomarkers Prev. 2003, 12, 151-156.
33. Guan X. ,* Hoffman B. , Dwivedi C. , Matthees D.P. A Simultaneous Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometric Assay of Glutathione, Cysteine, Homocysteine and Their Disulfides in Biological Samples. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 2003, 31, 251-261.
34. Guan X.,* Hoffman B.N. , McFarland D.C. , Gilkerson K.K. , Dwivedi C., Erickson A.K., Bebensee S., Pellegrini J. Glutathione and mercapturic acid conjugates of sulofenur and their activity against a human colon cancer cell line. Drug Metab. Dispos. 2002, 30, 331-335.
35. Dwivedi C. , Ingalls E.J. , Guan, X. Biodistribution of cocaine and cocaethylene during perinatal period after concurrent administration of cocaine and ethanol to rats. Res. Comm. Alcohol Subst. Abuse 2001, 22, 1-12.
36. Guan X*., Davis M. R. , Tang C., Jochheim C. M., Jin L., Baillie T. A. Identification of S-(n-Butylcarbamoyl)glutathione, a Reactive Metabolite of Tolbutamide in the Rat, and Evaluation of Its Inhibitory Effects on Glutathione Reductase in vitro. Chem. Res. Toxicol., 1999, 12, 1138-1143.
37. Guan X*. Diarylsulfonylureas – a new class of antitumor agents. Invest. Drugs 1998, 1, 334-338.
38. Guan X., Fisher M. B., Lang D. H., Zheng Y. M., Koop D. R., Rettie A. E. Cytochrome P450-dependent desaturation of lauric acid: isoform selectivity and mechanism of formation of 11-dodecenoic acid. Chem. Biol. Interact. 1998, 110, 103-121.
39. Shirley M. A., Guan X., Kaiser D. G., Halstead G. W., Baillie T. A. Taurine Conjugation of Ibuprofen in Humans and in Rat Liver in vitro. Relationship to Metabolic Chiral Inversion. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther.1994, 269, 1166-1175.
40. Guan X., Davis M. R., Jin L., Baillie T. A. Identification of S-(n-Butylcarbamoyl)-glutathione, a Reactive Carbamoylating Agent as a Bilary Metabolite of Benomyl in the Rat. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 1994, 42, 2953-2957.
41. Guan X., Borchardt R. T. A Convenient Method for the Synthesis of Indole-3-acetic Acids. Tetrahedron Lett. 1994, 35, 3013-3016.
42. Georg G. I., Guan X. Asymmetric Synthesis of -Alkylated -Amino Acids: Azocane-2-carboxylic Acids. Tetrahedron Lett. 1992, 33, 17.
43. Georg G. I., Guan X., Kant J. Asymmetric Synthesis of -Alkylated -Amino Acids: Azepane-2-carboxylic Acids. Bio-Med. Chem. Lett. 1991, 1, 125.
44. Georg G. I., Mashava P., Guan X. An Improved Method for the Stereoselective Synthesis of -Lactams from Carboxylic Acids and Imines. Tetrahedron Lett. 1991, 32, 581.
45. Georg G. I., Guan X., Kant J. Asymmetric Synthesis of -Alkylated, -Amino Acids via Schmidt Rearrangement of -Bisalkylated -Keto Esters. Tetrahedron Lett. 1988, 29, 403.
46. Lu D., Chao Y., Guan X. Synthesis of a Long-Acting Androgenic Hormone Testosterone Undecanoate. Zhejiang Yike Daxue Xuebao, 1983, 12, 127. (Chemical Abstracts, 1984, 100, 156863c.)

Book Chapters
1. Guan, X. Metabolic Activation and Drug Targeting. In Drug Delivery Principles and Applications. Wang, B., Hu, L., Siahaan, T., Eds.; 2nd Ed, John Wiley and Sons: New York, 2016; pp 383-434.
2. Guan, X. Metabolic Activation and Drug Targeting. In Drug Delivery Principles and Applications. Wang, B., Siahaan, T., Soltero, R., Eds.; John Wiley and Sons: New York, 2005; pp 201-244.
3. Guan, X. The role of drug metabolism in drug discovery. In Evaluation of Drug Candidates for Preclinical Development: Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, Pharmaceutics, and Toxicology. Davis, C., Wang, B., Han, C., Eds; John Wiley and Sons: New York, 2010; pp 109-133.
Area(s) of Research
My current research is focused on developing anticancer agents with novel mechanism of action, agents with the brain-targeting ability, and novel approaches for the treatment of cancer metastasis. We are also interested in developing thiol specific fluorogenic agents. These agents can be used to image and quantify thiols in live cells through fluorescence microscopy. Our research involves organic synthesis, bioanalytical chemistry, fluorescence microscopy, in vitro and in vivo biological activity evaluation, and molecular biology.
