The College of Nursing dissertation list is comprised of dissertations authored by South Dakota State University College of Nursing doctoral students.

Dissertations from 2022

Student Adviser Dissertation title
Kessa Tribby Dr. Mary Isaacson "We're not valued, we're not heard":Voices of Seasoned Rural Nurses in the Post-Covid Era
Shantelle Wade Dr. Robin Brown Exploring Nursing Faculty Exhaustion and its Relationship to Student Incivility
Amy Swartz Dr. Jo Voss Exploration of Breast Swelling and Chest Wall Swelling as a Symptom Cluster with Emotional Health in Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema

Dissertations from 2021

Student Adviser Dissertation title
Melynda Thelen Dr. Heidi Mennenga The Empirical Journey on the Roads Less Traveled to Explore the Concept of Medication Competence and Address Nursing Students' Pharmacology Self-Efficacy
Alyssa Zweifel Dr. Heidi Mennenga and Dr. Karin Emery A Quantitative Study of Learning Effectiveness for Participate Roles in Simulation
Brittany Brennan Dr. Heidi Mennenga The Impact Self-Efficacy Base Pre-briefing on Nursing Student Clinical Competency and Self-Efficacy Simulation

Dissertations from 2020

Student Adviser Dissertation title
Brandon Varilek Dr. Mary Isaacson Gibing Voice to Adults Living with Cystic Fibrosis: A Phenomenological Study
Danielle Schievelbein Dr. Heidi Mennenga Follow-Up Nurse Phone Calls for Heart Failure Patients: A Case Study

Dissertations from 2019

Student Adviser Committee members Dissertation Title
Tamara Keefner Dr. Thomas Stenvig Dr. Marylou Mylant and Dr. Kay Foland Searching for a Sense of Place: The Process of How Adolescent Girls Escape Suicide
Shannon O'Connell-Persuad Dr. Mary Minton Dr. Heidi Mennenga, Dr. Djiria and Dr. Mary Isaacson Spirituality, Religiosity and Perceived Ability to Provide Spiritual Care in Nursing Student
Jessica Stadick Dr. Nancy Fahrenwald and Dr. Heidi Mennenga Dr. Mary Isaacson Assessing the Impact of Interprofessional Education on the Attitudes and Interprofessional Competencies of Health Care Professionals: A Mixed Methods Study
Heidi Meyer Dr. Heidi Mennenga Dr. Mary Isaacson and Dr. Lori Hendrickx Understanding Emotional Intelligence and Its Relationship to Clinical Reasoning in Nursing Students: A Mixed Methods Study

Dissertations from 2018

Student Adviser Committee members Dissertation title
Dawn Bos Dr. Kay Foland Dr. Cindi Elverson and Dr. Victoria Britson Relationship of Physical Health Risk Screenings in Seriously Mentally Ill with Self-efficacy for Health, Perception of Health Risk and Intention to Follow-up with Medical Care

Dissertations from 2017

Student Adviser Committee Members Dissertation Title
Forbes, Amy Dr. Kay Foland Dr. Cindi Elverson and Dr. Linda Burdette Health-Promoting Behaviors, Hope, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Persons Impacted by Parkinson's Disease

Dissertations from 2016

Student Adviser Committee members Dissertation title
Brown, Robin Dr. Kay Foland Dr. Howard Wey and Dr. Linda Herrick Determining the Relationship Among Change Fatigue, Resilience and Job Satisfaction of Hospital Staff Nurses
Hansen, Julie Dr. Kay Foland Dr. Marylou Mylant and Dr. Linda Burdette The Nurse As A Family Caregiver:  Their Experiences, Their story
Harmelink, Andrea Dr. Mary Minton Dr. Jo Voss and Dr. Heidi Mennenga Effects of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback on Perceived Stress, Perceived Coping Ability and Resilience in Accelerated Baccalaureate Nursing Students
Kittelsrud, Julie Dr. Barbara Hobbs Dr. Nancy Fahrenwald and Dr. Thomas Stenvig Depression Outcomes in Care Coordination, Primary Care and Psychiatry Patients after Pharmacogenetic Testing
Scherer, Marcia Dr. Linda Herrick and Dr. Lynnette Leeseberg Stamler Dr. Mary Isaacson The Learning Experiences of Immigrants who are Graduates of an Entry-Level Baccalaureate Nursing Program in Minnesota

Dissertations from 2015

Student Adviser Committee members Dissertation title
Marckstadt, Sheryl Dr. Mary Minton and Dr. Lynnette Leeseberg Stamler Dr. Paula Carson Reinventing Life: A Glaserian Grounded Theory Study
Nerud, Kimberly Dr. Nancy Fahrenwald Dr. Howard Wey, Dr. Linda Burdette and Dr. Jessica Meendering Make a Move: An Intervention to Reduce Childhood Obesity
Poor Bear, Audrey Dr. Marylou Mylant Dr. Mary Isaacson and Dr. Kay Foland The Lived Experience of Radical, Unexpected, or Unpredicted Healing from a Life-Altering Disease
Potthoff, Meghan Dr. Mary Minton Dr. Cynthia Elverson and Dr. Margaret Hegge Go Wish: A Pilot Study of an Advance Care Planning Conversation Tool in Pediatric Palliative Care
Smith, Diane Dr. Kay Foland Dr. Margaret Hegge and Dr. Mary Isaacson Sisters of Mercy: The Walking Nuns' Siouxland Journey and Experiences in Nursing (1890-1965)
Swan, Marilyn Dr. Barbara Hobbs Dr. Thomas Stenvig and Dr. Linda Burdette Exploring the Relationship of Secondary Traumatic Stress and Lack of Anonymity in Nurses
Wrede, Jane Dr. Nancy Fahrenwald Dr. Christina Lammers and Dr. Howard Wey A Multi-Media Preventative Reproductive Health Intervention in a Family Planning Setting

Dissertations from 2014

Student Adviser Committee members Dissertation title
Berkland, Diana Dr. Sandra Bunkers Dr. Thomas Stenvig, Dr. Kay Foland, and Dr. Barbara Condon The Experience of Feeling Respected for Rural Nurse Leaders
Gordon, Dawn Dr. Kay Foland Dr. Lynnette Leeseberg Stamler, Dr. Marylou Mylant and Dr. Lois Tschetter The Voice of the Nursing Student after Experiencing Collaborative Testing
Hawkins, Kimberly Dr. Sandra Bunkers Dr. Margaret Hegge, Dr. Janet Lord and Dr. Barbara Condon The Experience of Feeling Disrespected: A Human becoming Perspective
Manz, Julie Dr. Thomas Stenvig Dr. Kay Foland, Dr. Nancy Fahrenwald and Dr. May Kunes-Connell Patients or Prisoners? A Grounded Theory of How Nurses Provide Care to Inmate-Patients
Todd, Martha Dr. Thomas Stenvig Dr. Paula Carson and Dr. Mary Minton Discovering Who I am and Who I Want to be as a Woman and Mother: The Process of Transitioning to Homelessness for Single Mothers
Vander Veen, Kathryn Dr. Thomas Stenvig Dr. Nancy Fahrenwald and Dr. Patricia Shaver Registered Nurse Support for Patient Activation

Dissertations from 2013

Student Adviser Committee members Dissertation title
Bomgaars, Debbie Dr. Kay Foland Dr. Margaret Hegge, Dr. Robin Peterson-Lunch Reciprocity in Relationships Among Rural Nurses
Dinndorf-Hogenson, Georgia Dr. Margaret Hegge Dr. Thomas Stenvig, Dr. Barbara Hobbs, Dr. Mary Minton and Dr. Zhoung Perioperative Nurses Perceptions of Moral Courage
Haugen-Rogers, Jan Dr. Marylou Mylant Dr. Margaret Hegge, Dr. Sandra Bunkers and Dr. Thomas Stenvig Parental Experience of Coping, Social Support and Uncertainty During Childhood Genetic Testing
Knitig, Kathy Dr. Margaret Hegge Dr. Sandra Bunkers, Dr. Marylou Mylant and Dr. Janet Lord The Living Experience of Feeling Playful
Letcher, Deborah Dr. Sandra Bunkers Dr. Margaret Hegge, Dr. Janet Lord and Dr. Marylou Mylant Searching for an Answer: A Human Becoming Research Study

Dissertations from 2012

Student Adviser Committee members Dissertation title
Kertz, Nancy Dr. Thomas Stenvig Dr. Sandra Bunkers, Dr. Paula Carson, Dr. Nancy Fahrenwald The Recognition of Child Abuse: Expert Providers' Experience
Thompson, Shila Dr. Barbara Hobbs Dr. Nancy Fahrenwald, Dr. Roberta Olson and Dr. Thomas Stenvig Testing of an Instrument for Measuring Nurse Behaviors Related to Safe Patient Handling

Dissertations from 2011

Student Adviser Committee members Dissertation title
Krogh, Mary Anne Dr. Thomas Stenvig Dr. Paula Carson, Dr. Nancy Fahrenwald, Dr. Jo Voss and Dr. Timothy Muckle A Psychometric Evaluation of Innovative Item Types Added to the National Certification Examination for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists
Peterson-Lund, Robin Dr. Sandra Bunkers Dr. Margaret Hegge, Dr. Marylou Mylant and Dr. Thomas Stenvig Living on the Edge: A Human becoming Perspective

Dissertations from 2010

Student Adviser Committee members Dissertation title
Burdette, Linda Dr. Margaret Hegge Dr. Kay Foland, Dr. Thomas Stenvig and Dr. Janet Lord Relationship between Self-Care Agency, Self-Care Practices and Obesity among Rural Midlife Women

Dissertations from 2009

Student Adviser Committee members Dissertation title
Britson, Victoria Lynn Strauser Dr. Sandra Bunkers Dr. Margaret Hegge, Dr. Thomas Stenvig and Dr. Tish Smyer The Lived Experience of Taking a Risk for Persons Who Have Experienced Natural Disaster
Reding, Noreen Eberline Dr. Sandra Bunkers Dr. Kay Foland, Dr. Margaret Hegge and Dr. Thomas Stenvig The Lived Experience of Feeling Peaceful

Dissertation from 2008

Student Adviser Committee members Dissertation title
Condon, Barbara Backer Dr. Sandra Bunkers Dr. Margaret Hegge, Dr. Janet Lord, and Dr. Kay Foland The Lived Experience of Feeling Misunderstood for Persons Living with Vitiligo
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The College of Nursing dissertation list is comprised of dissertations authored by South Dakota State University College of Nursing doctoral students.

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Department of Graduate Nursing