Population Health Evaluation Center

The Population Health Evaluation Center (PHEC) is a service center within the College of Nursing at SDSU. The center partners with clients to strengthen the services in public health, well-being and/or education they provide within their communities.

Specializing in providing program evaluation and assessment services, the center gathers and interprets data to help organizations understand the impact of their work and realize new opportunities to improve their quality of service and expand their reach. Many of its projects focus on efforts to improve the health and quality of life in rural Midwestern communities.

PHEC’s multi-disciplinary team is committed to:

  • Providing the highest quality of service.
  • Understanding the context and communities served.
  • Collaborating with partners to build evaluation capacity.
  • Producing meaningful, usable information tailored to a program or organization.
  • Encouraging the use of evaluation findings for continuous program improvement.
  • Accessing experts within the university to enhance evaluation.

Student with faculty and child manequin

College of Nursing

Our faculty provide education with firsthand knowledge, and our Healthcare Simulation Center offers state-of-the-art equipment and a realistic learning environment. The research we are doing is impacting and changing communities in our region, nation and world. Explore our degree options or contact us to learn more.

Hailey Olson, left, of Sioux Falls, and Jordan Neubrand, of Sioux City, Iowa, attend a patient mannequin in the simulation lab on the Brookings campus Oct. 27. The second-semester nursing students are observed by instructor Nicole Carlson, who was able to participate thanks to a new telepresence robot despite being quarantined at home in Sioux Falls.

Nursing Research

Researchers at SDSU College of Nursing seek to describe, explain, predict and improve health and quality of life for rural and underserved populations. Our faculty and students are engaged in scientific inquiry with diverse methods and transdisciplinary teams.