Oak Lake Field Station®

Our People


The Oak Lake Field Station is a 570 acre facility located in the heart of the Northern Plains on the Coteau Des Prairie.

Grassland, oak forest, wetland and lake environments located at the field station provide hands-on learning and research opportunities particularly for those students interested in management of natural resources. (How to get there)

The field station hosts university research focused on biofuels development, biodiversity of prairie communities, management of invasive species, optimizing pollinator habitat, prairie pothole and stream ecology.

Facilities on-site also service environmental education, university field courses, conferences, colloquia, retreats and community service events.

The station operates under a strategic management plan with a stated mission “To increase the understanding and appreciation of the Northern Great Plains and foster ecosystem stewardship through education, research and service”.

Physical Address

19862 483rd Ave.
Astoria, SD 57213

owl-carousel owl-image-slider owl-image-slider--notext
Admin class building
Botany team
Brown snake
Entomology student in prairie grass
Group of bird watchers
Honors college students
Instructor holding a cedar waxwing surrounded by students
Monarch butterfly
Oak Lake
Prairie flowers
Prairie flowers and grass
Red fox
Student conducting mesocosm research
Students at a beetle workshop
Students learning to ride horses
Students sampling vegetation
American Plum
NRM230 Class in Summer 2018
Blizzard in November 2005

Oak Lake Field Station comprises part of the SDState Agricultural Experiment Station research infrastructure.

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