Office of Title IX/Equal Opportunity

Our office responds to reports, concerns and inquiries about harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct, which includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. We assist students, employees, program participants and campus visitors, regardless of where the misconduct took place.

The Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator, Title IX/EO Investigators and Title IX/EO Deputy Coordinators are knowledgeable about all options for complaint resolution. We work closely with Student Affairs, the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) and the University Police Department (UPD) and play an integral role in carrying out the university's commitment to a positive learning, teaching and working environment for the entire community.

Federal regulations require the university to take immediate action to eliminate harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct, to prevent its recurrence and address its effects. Universities are required to adopt and publish grievance procedures for students who complain of sex or gender discrimination. SDSU's procedures and policies can be found online.

If someone tells you about or you overhear information that may pertain to Title IX or Equal Opportunity, contact the Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator immediately. Title IX/EO investigations are separate from a law enforcement investigation, even when a police report is filed. The university is required to conduct an independent investigation that is prompt, thorough and impartial.

Reporting Concerns

If your concern requires immediate assistance, please dial 911 or contact the University Police Department at 605-688-5117 or 111 from any campus phone.

Make an online report or call the toll-free hotline at 844-880-0004. The online report and hotline are provided by Lighthouse Reports. You may choose to remain anonymous when providing information.

To make a report in person, please contact the Office of Title IX/EO at 605-688-4128 or visit us in Morrill Hall, room 100.

If you would like to talk with someone confidentially without making a report, please contact SDSU Counseling Services or Student Health Clinic at 605-688-4157.

Please visit Report It for additional information.

Contact Us

Michelle Johnson, Ed.D
Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator
Affirmative Action Officer
Morrill Hall, room 100

What We Respond To

• Harassment
• Discrimination
• Sexual Misconduct
• Sexual Harassment
• Rape
• Domestic Violence
• Dating Violence
• Stalking

It's On Us

SDSU is proud to continue its support of this cultural movement to fundamentally change misconceptions about sexual assault by holding each other and ourselves accountable. Please visit the It's On Us page for more information.

Know Your IX