Branding Toolbox with

Logo Marks

Primary Identity Mark

The Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center South Dakota State University white on dark blue

* Blue is only shown as a background color example.

The Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center South Dakota State University dark blue
The Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center South Dakota State University gold logo

Secondary Identity Mark

The Oscar logos blue and gold
The Oscar logos with box blue and gold
The Oscar logos with colored box blue on gold and gold on blue

Tertiary Identity Mark

O logos blue and gold
O logos lite blue and dark blue on gold
O logo gold on dark blue

Black and White Logos

Black and white versions of the logo will primarily be reserved for ‘back of house’ purposes, but there may be use cases where a vendor will require a black or white version of the logo. 


Primary Identity Mark

The Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center South Dakota State University white on grey

* Grey is only shown as a background color example.

The Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center South Dakota State University black

Secondary Identity Mark

The Oscar logos white on gray and black
The Oscar with box white on gray and black
The Oscar logos white on gray with black box

Tertiary Identity Mark

O logos white on gray and black
O logos with box one black and one white both on gray



  • Logos should always be represented no smaller than 1” in height or width, whichever is greater. 
  • Minimum 3/16” of clear space on all sides must be left between the logo and any other element.

How to Use Logo


Primary Logo


The PRIMARY LOGO should always be placed on a one-color, high contrasting / nonpatterned background.

Correct Use

good contrast between background and logo

Correct use of primary on gold background

good contrast between background and logo

Correct use of The Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center South Dakota State University logo on dark background

Incorrect Use

patterned background

Incorrect use of The Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center South Dakota State University logo on an image

poor contrast between logo and background

poor contract example of The Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center South Dakota State University logo

Secondary Logo

The SECONDARY LOGO can be used as a design element on marketing materials but the Primary logo should also be represented somewhere on the material.


Correct Use

Secondary logo is used as a design element at the top of the poster but the Primary is also included.

Correct use secondary logo with primary logo on Marie Osmond postcard


Tertiary Logo

The TERTIARY LOGO can be used over photos but should be placed in a way that doesn’t obscure the photo. Never place the ‘O’ over faces in photos.


Correct Use

Correct use of O on an image of a violinist

Correct Use

Good example of O logo on image with dancers

Incorrect Use

Bad example of O logo use on image of an orchestra

Secondary and Tertiary Logos

The SECONDARY LOGO and TERTIARY LOGOS both contain ‘color block options’, as seen below. When using these options, the logo should be placed on a high contrast background so both the text and color block of the logo are clearly visible and separate from the background.


Correct Use

good contrast between background and logo text/color block

Correct use of The Oscar logo over lite blue
Correct use of The Oscar logo over an image of students

Incorrect Use

poor contrast between background and logo text/color block

Incorrect use of The Oscar logo over dark blue
Incorrect use of The Oscar logo over an image of theatre seats



PMS 117

PMS 289

PMS 2706




Preferred Fonts

Minion Std

Font example of Minion Std

Minion Pro

Font example of Minion Pro


Font example of Futura

Futura PT

Font example of Futura PT

Framing Treatment

This framing treatment can be used as a branding signature for various applications. Rules for the ‘O’ frame:

  • The ‘O’ should only be placed in either the bottom left corner or the top right corner. This placement allows for the ‘O’ to be placed in such a way that it blends seamlessly with the framing element.
  • The frame should always have rounded corners. The radius of the corners may vary depending on the size and shape of the frame.
  • The frame can be a square or rectangle.
  • When the ‘O’ is placed in the top right corner you need to ‘cut out’ a small piece of the frame that intersects the ‘O’.
The O logo framed in lower left
The O logo framed in upper right

NOTE: Small piece of frame ‘cut out’ of ‘O’ placed in upper right corner.


Framing Treatment Examples


Postcard example of The O logo framed in lower left over image of an orchestra


Inside page of a program example of co-branding



When branding for the School of Performing Arts or other SDSU-affiliated events the branding should reflect 80% SDSU brand standards and 20% Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center brand standards. Examples: Use the SDSU primary brand colors for 80% of the design. Using The Oscar framing treatment is allowed but not required. The primary logo is the SDSU-affiliated logo and the secondary logo is The Oscar logo. The hierarchy of logos is established by the primary logo being a bit larger than the secondary and the primary logo is always on the left or top while the secondary logo is to the right or on the bottom.

South Dakota State University School of Performing Arts logo with The Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center South Dakota State University below
South Dakota State University School of Performing Arts logo with The Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center South Dakota State University on right


Godspell program example of co-branding


Celebrate the pride poster example of co-branding


When creating marketing materials for non SDSU-affiliated events the branding should reflect 80% personal brand standards and 20% The Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center brand standards. Of that 20%, choices can be made in including our primary logo, along with a secondary or tertiary logo. The hierarchy of logos is established by the primary logo being a bit larger than the secondary and the primary logo is always on the left or top while the secondary logo is to the right or on the bottom (see examples below).

Other examples of meeting the 20%: using The Oscar framing treatment (optional to use in other approved colors like black and white), using a combo of The Oscar logo and brand colors throughout the design, or using a combo of The Oscar primary and secondary/tertiary logos. If you have any questions regarding branding and promotion, please reach out to us at


When branding for The Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center hosted events the branding should reflect 80% The Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center brand standards and 20% SDSU brand standards. Examples: Use The Oscar brand colors for most of the design, an exception would be using a shade of tint or The Oscar brand colors. Do not use SDSU Blue or SDSU Yellow. Using The Oscar framing treatment is allowed but not required. The primary logo is The Oscar logo and the secondary logo is the SDSU logo. The hierarchy of logos is established by the primary logo being a bit larger than the secondary and the primary logo is always on the left or top while the secondary logo is to the right or on the bottom.

The Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center South Dakota State University logo and SD logo on right
The Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center South Dakota State University logo and SD logo below


Adele Unplugged program cover example of co-branding


Jazz fest poster example of co-branding


• Email:
• Phone: 605-688-5188

PAC Body



Stakeholders are required to submit their marketing materials for approval two weeks prior to printing and distribution. All marketing materials must adhere to the Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center brand standards. Request for approvals must be emailed.

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