MLS Upward Mobility Year One
Course Number Class Name Fall Spring
MLS 312 MLT to MLS Transition 3  
MLS 341 Diagnostic Microbiology I   3
MLS 401 Hematology II/Hemostasis 3  
MLS 403 Diagnostic Immunology   3
MLS 431 Principles of Immunohematology 2  
MLS 461 Management & Education   3
  TOTAL = 8 9
MLS Upward Mobility Year Two
Course Number Class Name Fall Spring Summer
MLS 411 Clinical Chemistry II 3    
MLS 441 Diagnostic Microbiology II 3    
MLS 451 Immunohematology II 2    
MLS 468 Advanced Supervised Clinical Experience   5  
MLS 471 Advanced Medical Diagnostics   2  
MLS 469 Advanced Supervised Clinical Experience II     5
MLS 483 Senior Capstone Clinical Experience     3
  TOTAL = 8 7 8
Department or Landing Page
Medical Laboratory Science