Make Our Halls Your Home!

Take your first step to life on campus and apply for on-campus housing! Below is information to help you along the way and example how different aspects of the housing application process work. If you have any questions contact our office at 605-688-5148 or via email.

New Student Application Timeline

Breakout Box
Learn more about applying for housing:
Department or Landing Page
Housing & Residential Life
Page Paragraphs

Application Opens

October 10, 2023 at 10 a.m.

Application Closes

First Friday at 5 p.m. after Fall 2024 courses begin

Roommate Selection Opens

February 1, 2024 at 10 a.m.

Roommate Selection Closes

May 1, 2024 at 5 p.m.

Room Reassignment Opens

June 4, 2024 at 10 a.m.

Room Reassignment Closes

July 9, 2024 at 5 p.m.

New student moving into the residence halls

Application FAQs for New Students

When can I apply?

The housing application will open October 10, 2023 at 10 a.m. and will close the first Friday at 5 p.m. after Fall 2023 courses begin.

What will I need in order to complete the application?
  • Your login for MyState
  • Your housing preferences (including building preferences, roommate preferences and Living-Learning Community preferences)
  • Credit card information to pay the $75 confirmation fee online
What if I need to cancel my housing application because I decided not to attend SDSU? 
  • If your application is canceled on or before May 31, your $75 confirmation fee will be refunded to you.
  • If your application is canceled between June 1 and July 31, your $75 confirmation fee will be forfeited.
  • If your application is canceled on or after August 1 through the date of 60% completion of the current semester, your $75 confirmation fee is forfeited and you will be charged a $200 early termination fee.
How do I find a roommate?

Housing and Residential Life enables students to form a Roommate Group within the housing application. You will be able to make a roommate group, search for compatible roommates, or join a roommate group.

Between February 1, 2023 at 10 a.m. and May 1, 2023 at 5 p.m., the Roommate Group page will be open to you. During this time, you can change your Roommate Group as many times as you want to. You can leave or delete a Roommate Group at any time.

Within the Housing Application, students can create a Roommate Group name and password. Other students can search for that Roommate Group but can only join if they have the password or if they are approved to be a member by the Group Leader (The creator of the group is the Group Leader by default). Once you are in the Roommate Group, you can also search for and invite others to join your Roommate Group. Students can only be in one (1) Roommate Group.

Here are few extra tips and tricks regarding Roommate Groups:

You can be in a Roommate Group of up to two (2) students. Roommate Groups must be complete and verified by May 1, 2023 at 5 p.m.

We work very hard to honor as many roommate requests as possible. Based on availability, we cannot guarantee that all confirmed roommates will be placed together.

  • You can select a specific person as your roommate if you already have someone in mind – both of you will need to have completed the housing application to be able to find each other.
    • When searching for a specific person, limit your search to first name, last name, or screen name and gender. Sometimes too much criteria narrows the search too much.
  • If you do not have a specific person in mind, you can search for a compatible roommate by profile.
  • If you prefer not to seek out a preferred roommate, you will be randomly assigned one based on profile matching.
  • Make sure you check your "About Me" tab to ensure that you "Tick this box if you wish to be included in the roommate search process". If a friend is searching for you, they won't be able to find you UNLESS this box is checked. If you are going random, no one will be able to see your profile UNLESS this box is checked.
  • If you have applied for a Living-Learning Community, your preferred roommate must also be accepted into the same Living-Learning Community or you will not be placed together.
  • We will prioritize Living-Learning Community over roommate preferences.
  • You cannot accept every roommate group invitation as you can only be in 1 Roommate Group. We encourage you to take the time to connect with peers and find a good roommate match for yourself.
  • You can leave or delete a Roommate Group at any time. In order to join a different group, you must leave or delete the group you are currently in.
What if I am assigned to a space and want to change where I live? 

New students will be able to utilize the reassignment process in the housing application from June 5, 2023 at 10 a.m. until July 7, 2023 at 5 p.m. Students will be able to log in, see any available space and reassign themselves to a new space.

Ready to apply? |
  • Living-Learning Communities at SDSU provide an environment for residents to connect their academics with life outside the classroom. Students who are accepted to live and participate in these communities have the opportunity to live with others whose academic interests match their own, be supported both academically and socially through intentional programs geared toward their learning community, and interact meaningfully with faculty and staff members.
  • Please note if you sign up for an LLC and you are approved for your preferred LLC it will become your first preference and will take priority over your hall and roommate preferences.
  • Living-Learning Community Applications are due by April 16, 2023.

Living-Learning Communities

Living-Learning Communities
For more information about the LLCs offered at SDSU, please visit the Housing & Residential Life LLC Page using the button below.   
  • Housing and Residential Life enables students to form a Roommate Group within the housing application. You will be able to make a roommate group, search for compatible roommates, or join a roommate group.
  • We work very hard to honor as many roommate requests as possible. Based on availability, we cannot guarantee that all confirmed roommates will be placed together.

  • Here are few extra tips and tricks regarding Roommate Groups:

    • You can be in a Roommate Group of up to two (2) students.
    • Roommate Groups must be complete and verified by May 1, 2023.
    • You can select a specific person as your roommate if you already have someone in mind – both of you will need to have completed the housing application to be able to find each other.
      • When searching for a specific person, limit your search to first name, last name, or screen name and gender. Sometimes too much criteria narrows the search too much.
    • If you do not have a specific person in mind, you can search for a compatible roommate by profile.
    • If you prefer not to seek out a preferred roommate, you will be randomly assigned one based on profile matching.
    • Make sure you check your "About Me" tab to ensure that you "Tick this box if you wish to be included in the roommate search process". If a friend is searching for you, they won't be able to find you UNLESS this box is checked. If you are going random, no one will be able to see your profile UNLESS this box is checked.
    • If you have applied for a Living-Learning Community, your preferred roommate must also be accepted into the same Living-Learning Community or you will not be placed together.
    • We will prioritize Living-Learning Community over roommate preferences.
    • You cannot accept every roommate group invitation as you can only be in 1 Roommate Group. We encourage you to take the time to connect with peers and find a good roommate match for yourself.
    • You can leave or delete a Roommate Group at any time. In order to join a different group, you must leave or delete the group you are currently in.
  • If you are requesting to live with a Current Student at SDSU please email, please know this is not a guarantee, but a request.
  • You are NOT required to choose a preferred roommate. If you do not have a roommate request, please use the “Continue” button at the bottom of the page to proceed within the application.
  • Roommate Group Selection opens February 1, 2023, you will be able to log back into your housing application to complete this process.
Roommate Selection
You can search for possible roommates and invite them to room with you or you can accept random selection based on your profile.
  • If you opted for a Living-Learning Community (LLC) and are approved that will become your first preference, regardless of what you preference above. If you have a roommate request and they are not in the same LLC you will not be matched together, as the LLC requests becomes your first preference.
  • Assignments are based on the preferences students indicate during the housing application process. Although exact preferences might not have been available when an assignment was made, we have made every effort to place you with a requested roommate, a desired living-learning community, or a preferred residence hall. This process is complicated with over 4,000 students living on campus, many wanting similar assignments. Regardless of where you are assigned, we are confident you can connect with other students and form a tight-knit community with the help of our live-in staff.
Housing Preferences
As Housing and Residential Life works to find the best possible housing assignment for your preferences, we want to know what matters most to you.

Where can I live?

Women (Non-LLCs):
  • Abbott Hall 1st floor South, 2nd floor South, 3rd floor South (primarily doubles)
  • Ben Reifel Hall 1st floor East, 2nd floor East, 3rd floor East, 4th floor East (doubles)
  • Binnewies Hall 1st floor West, 2nd floor West, 3rd floor West, 4th floor West(doubles)
  • Brown Hall 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor (doubles)
  • Thorne Hall 1st floor North, 2nd floor North, 3rd floor North (primarily doubles)
  • Young Hall 1st floor, 2nd floor West, 3rd floor West (doubles)
  • Schultz Hall 3rd floor (doubles)
Women (LLCs-application required): 
  • Ag/Bio – Pierson 1st floor North, 3rd floor North (doubles)
  • Allied for Acceptance – Caldwell Hall 3rd floor (selected suites)
  • Engineering – Mathews Hall 2nd floor West, 4th floor West (doubles)
  • Explore State – Binnewies Hall 2nd floor West (doubles)
  • Health Professionals – Mathews Hall 2nd floor West, 3rd floor West (doubles)
  • Healthy Lifestyles – Schultz 4th floor East (doubles)
  • Honors – Honors Hall 1st, 2nd, 3rd floors (doubles)
  • Military Affiliated – Brown Hall 1st floor (doubles)
  • Natural Resource Management – Pierson 2nd floor North (doubles)
  • Oyate Yuwitawa Tipi Inclusive Community – Mathews Hall 1st floor West (doubles)
  • Performing Arts – Schultz Hall 2nd floor (doubles)
  • Quiet – Abbott 4th floor North (primarily doubles)
Men (Non-LLCs):
  • Abbott Hall 1st floor North, 2nd floor North, 3rd floor North (primarily doubles)
  • Ben Reifel Hall 1st floor West, 2nd floor West, 3rd floor West, 4th floor West (doubles)
  • Binnewies Hall 1st floor East, 3rd floor East, 4th floor East (doubles)
  • Brown Hall 1st floor West, 2nd floor West, 3rd floor West (doubles)
  • Thorne Hall 1st floor South, 2nd floor South, 3rd floor South (primarily doubles)
  • Young Hall 1st floor East, 2nd floor East, 3rd floor East (doubles)
  • Schultz Hall 3rd floor (doubles)
Men (LLCs-application required):
  • Ag/Bio – Pierson 1st floor North, 3rd floor North (doubles)
  • Allied for Acceptance – Caldwell Hall 3rd floor (selected suites)
  • Engineering – Mathews Hall 2nd floor East, 4th floor East (doubles)
  • Explore State – Binnewies Hall 2nd floor East (doubles)
  • Health Professionals – Mathews Hall 2nd floor East, 3rd floor East (doubles)
  • Healthy Lifestyles – Schultz 4th floor West (doubles)
  • Honors – Honors Hall 1st, 2nd, 3rd floors (doubles)
  • Military Affiliated – Brown Hall 1st floor West (doubles)
  • Natural Resource Management – Pierson 2nd floor North (doubles)
  • Oyate Yuwitawa Tipi Inclusive Community – Mathews Hall 1st floor East (doubles)
  • Performing Arts – Schultz Hall 2nd floor (doubles)
  • Quiet – Abbott 4th floor South (primarily doubles)