Jack's Cupboard is the free, on-campus food pantry at South Dakota State University. Our goal is to alleviate food insecurity among SDSU students by providing food and personal care items to Jackrabbits who need them.

How it Works

  • Any SDSU student experiencing food insecurity can shop the cupboard during open hours (Wednesdays 3-5 p.m.).
  • When you visit, bring your current student ID and a reusable bag to hold your items. If you don't have a bag, you can request one at the front desk.
  • You then shop from the shelves. Please only take what you would use for the week and follow any posted signs.
  • After shopping, checkout at the front desk. You will be asked to scan your student ID and a volunteer at the desk will weigh your items.
  • Once you have checked out, you're good to go! Students can come weekly to the cupboard, so feel free to come again.
Jack's Cupboard Window
Hours of Operation for Summer 2024:

Wednesdays from 3-5 p.m.

Please email sdsu.jackscupboard@sdstate.edu if you have any questions.

Jack's Cupboard is located on the southeast side of Ben Reifel Hall. There are free 20-minute parking spaces available for easily accessible parking.

Swipe Out Hunger

If you are facing food insecurity and are short of block meals at Larson Commons, click the link to learn how you can either donate meal block or apply for additional block through the Swipe Out Hunger program. Note, this program only runs the last few weeks of each semester.

Apply for Block Meals

Additional Resources

The Food Recovery Network Club joins Jack's Cupboard in fighting food insecurity on SDSU campus. Started in 2018, FRN volunteers transport excess food from dining facilities that would otherwise be thrown away to locations on campus. These premade meals are then made available to students and faculty free of charge. Find these meals at:

University Lutheran Center, Thursdays 6-9 p.m.

University Newman Center, Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Interested in volunteering to fight food waste and food insecurity?

Facebook Feed


What to Donate

Recommended donation items are listed below:

  • Blocks of cheese, cream cheese, butter
  • Frozen products such as pizzas, frozen dinners and meat options
  • Canned soup or bagged soup mixes
  • Pasta and pasta sauces
  • Bread, rice and other grains
  • Evaporated, powdered, and boxed milk
  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Dried fruits
  • Cereal and oatmeal
  • Canned chicken and canned tuna
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Condiments
  • Pre-packaged snack items
  • Cake, brownie and pancake mixes
  • Baking items (baking soda, baking powder, salt, etc.)
  • Personal care items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, tampons, pads, shampoo, body wash, laundry detergent, toilet paper, etc.)

Please note: donated food must be pre-packaged items that are shelf-stable or can be frozen.

Where to Donate

Donations are accepted at Jack's Cupboard during hours of operation, the Housing and Residential Life Office weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., in the University Student Union during hours of operation, or at the University Police Station (24/7).

If you have a large donation, please contact sdsu.jackscupboard@sdstate.edu to set up a drop-off time.

Organizing a Donation Drive

Student organizations and community members can organize donation drives to benefit Jack's Cupboard. If you plan to organize one please contact SDSU.jackscupboard@sdstate.edu to let us know. We will answer any questions you may have and coordinate a drop-off time for donations once your drive is complete.

Give to Jack's Cupboard

If you would like to make a monetary donation to Jack's Cupboard you can do so online through the South Dakota State University Foundation.

Give to Jack's Cupboard

Staff can volunteer for the summer semester at Jack's Cupboard.

Volunteer Sign-Up

Volunteer responsibilities include assisting shoppers with check-out, distributing freezer items and items in the glass cabinet to shoppers, and completing opening and closing tasks.

Volunteer at Jack's Cupboard

Hours of Operation

Jack's Cupboard is open over the Summer 2024 semester on Wednesdays from 3-5 p.m.

Hours are subject to change due to weather, holiday breaks and at the beginning of a new semester. Check back here for updates on hours of operation.


Jack's Cupboard is located on the Southeast side of Ben Reifel Hall.

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