Students' Association Meetings, Minutes and Legislation

The agendas, minutes and legislation linked on this page are from the most recent (2024-2025) Senate term. Full meeting recordings are available upon request via email to the Students' Association Communications Chair. Additional historical records are available upon request via email to the Students' Association Chief of Staff.

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Meeting Documents (Agendas, Minutes and Recordings)

April 15 Meeting

Notable Items

  • Open Forum
    • Student Nurses’ Association-Sioux Falls Constitution
    • Little I Assistant Manager Candidate - Wesley Siira 
  • Unfinished Business
  • New Business
  • Press Release

View Agenda

View Minutes



  • N/A


  • N/A


  • No ordinances have been submitted for the 2024-25 term.

Finance - Special Allocations

  • N/a