University Committees

University Committees will honor shared governance and as such, be joint Administrative-Faculty Senate Committees where the President and the Faculty Senate jointly appoint members to each Committee and oversee the work of the Committee. Committee charters acknowledge interdependence among administration, faculty, staff and students. This relationship calls for adequate communication among all entities and full opportunities for appropriate joint planning and input into important university decisions. That is, administrative liaisons will actively utilize University Committees as a means of gathering important input and feedback to inform decisions.

In shared governance, University Committees are empowered to conduct serious, thoughtful analyses of the issues appropriate to that Committee, and to make recommendations to the Faculty Senate and administration.

Academic Affairs Committee
Provide recommendations on issues surrounding curriculum, general education requirements, academic policy development, assessment, faculty recognition, the awarding of honorary degrees, and the Harding Lecture series.  The Academic Affairs Committee is a joint administration and Faculty Senate Committee.

Academic Appeals Committee
Provide a forum for and adjudication of disputes involving grades and evaluations between students and faculty by providing objective arbitration and resolution. The Committee shall also establish standards on academic ethics for both students and faculty members. The Academic Appeals Committee is a joint administration and Faculty Senate Committee.

Campus Planning and Sustainability Committee
Support and give broad guidance for the orderly and sustainable development, design and aesthetic presentation of the campus. The Campus Planning and Sustainability Committee is a joint administration and Faculty Senate Committee.

Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Facilitate communication, coordination and collaboration on matters of diversity and inclusion. The Diversity and Inclusion Committee is a joint administration and Faculty Senate Committee.

Faculty Budget Committee
The Faculty Budget Committee (FBC) ensures the annual budgetary process, which the university executes according to its Responsibility Centered Management (RCM) budget model, is transparent to the campus community and informed by its input.

Information Technology Committee
Provide guidance for overall operation of computing, computing devices, the network, and policy development surrounding the use of information technology. The Information Technology Committee (ITC) is a joint administration and Faculty Senate Committee.

Intercollegiate Athletic Board (IAB)
The Intercollegiate Athletic Board (IAB) serves in an advisory capacity to the University President and Athletic Director on the functioning of the intercollegiate athletics program with respect to the responsibilities outlined in this charter. The IAB is an administrative Committee appointed by the University President per South Dakota Board of Regents (BOR) policy 1:6.

International Affairs Committee
Advise on strategic direction and strategy for International Affairs. Explore and develop new international initiatives and strengthen existing programs and services so as to achieve the institution’s mission of providing a global education for all students.  This is a joint Committee of the administration and Faculty Senate.

Library Committee
Provide guidance for the overall operations of the library and its various components and programs. The Library Committee is a joint administration and Faculty Senate Committee.

Parking and Traffic Committee
Review and recommend policy regarding campus parking and traffic regulations.  The Parking and Traffic Committee is a joint administration and Faculty Senate Committee.

Professional Development Committee
Address the training and professional development needs of faculty and staff in their various roles and locations.

Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Committee
Create an institutional research climate befitting a major land-grant university and bring to reality the potential of its faculty in research and scholarly activity. The Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Committee is a joint administration and Faculty Senate Committee.

Strategic Internal Communications Committee
Provide guidance to the Integrated Marketing and Communications Council (hereafter "IMCC" on issues related to strategic internal university communications. Strategic internal university communications refer to the exchange of information between various stakeholders (e.g., faculty, students, staff, administration and SDSU Foundation) within the university community. The SICC is a joint administration and Faculty Senate Committee.

Student Success Committee
Provides guidance focused on undergraduate student success at SDSU.  A co-curricular approach will ensure that all students seamlessly engage in SDSU's academic and co-curricular experiences.  The Student Success Committee is a joint Enrollment Management and Faculty Senate Committee.

Tenure and Promotion Committee
Provide recommendations to university leadership on tenure and promotion applications at SDSU. Advise on tenure and promotion criteria and guidelines. Review all tenure and promotion applications from the university to ensure that institutional standards are upheld. Make recommendations to the Provost and President concerning tenure and/or promotion. This is a joint Administration and Faculty Senate Committee, with faculty elected through a process led by the Faculty Senate.