Great Plains IDEA

The Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance (Great Plains IDEA) is a partnership of 20 public universities that provide access to high-quality educational opportunities. Each university brings a unique strength to the multi-institution academic programs. Online undergraduate, graduate and certificate programs are collaboratively developed and delivered.

As a Great Plains IDEA student, you apply and are admitted to one university, which becomes your home institution. Enroll and pay tuition at your home institution; but your courses are taught by faculty from each of the partner institutions. In a given semester, you may take courses from faculty at multiple institutions. These online courses are taught by the best faculty in the discipline from several universities.

Great Plains IDEA

Explore programs offered through Great Plains IDEA.

Great Plains IDEA Student Excellence Award

The Great Plains IDEA Cabinet is excited for the opportunity to give back to Great Plains IDEA students and assist them in achieving their academic goals. Learn more about the Student Excellence Award.