Student Registration

Are you ready to register for a NHD® contest?

Starting in January 2024, you can follow the steps below to start your NHD journey!

  1. Visit Contest Information to check out important deadlines for registration and lockout dates.
  2. Before you start your registration, check with your teacher to make sure they have filled out the Institutional and Educator Membership forms.
  3. Find out what region you are in so you know what contest to register for. You can find the regional map below.
  4. Go to the NHD registration site to register for your regional contest. Links to each registration page can be found below. Don't forget your username and password - you will use this same login information if you advance to the state or national contest!
  5. Follow the steps and finish registration.
  6. Questions? Ask your teacher first. If they can't help you, work with them to contact Sarah Jacobs (state coordinator) to answer your questions.

Region 1 Contest Registration       Region 2 Contest Registration       Region 3 Contest Registration       Region 4 Contest Registration       State Contest Registration


NHD in SD Regional Map
NHD in SD logo, Agricultural Heritage Museum logo, and NHD logo