Students standing in a field of grass and plants.

Biological Sciences (M.S.) - Natural Resource Management Specialization

Prepare to make an impact for a healthier environment.

The natural resource management specialization will provide training in ecology, evolution, environmental sciences and range areas of expertise with a focus on basic and applied research.

Is it for you?
This program will be a good fit if you:
  • Have an undergraduate or master's degree in biology or related field.
  • Enjoy working outdoors.
  • Enjoy working with plants, animals and their habitats.
  • Enjoy working with others to resolve ecological questions and environmental issues.
  • Like the idea of a career in lab and/or field-based science.
Career Opportunities
Explore possible career opportunities with this degree:
  • Wildlife biologist
  • Fisheries biologist
  • Conservation biologist
  • State or federal agency employment related the conservation and management of natural areas including DENR, Pheasants Forever, NRCS and USDA
  • Future Ph.D. student