Three students stand next to a sheep.

Look what you can do with livestock!

A minor in animal science will supplement any major and provide students exposure to the technology of breeding, feeding, producing, managing, evaluating and marketing beef cattle, sheep, hogs, horses and poultry, as well as the processing of their products—meat, eggs and wool.

Suggested Majors
students learn in the eTrading lab
Agricultural Business (B.S.)
Students standing in a group.
Agricultural Education, Communication and Leadership (B.S.) - Agricultural Education Specialization
Students looking at a camera
Agricultural Education, Communication and Leadership (B.S.) - Communication Specialization
Teacher teaching
Agricultural Education, Communication and Leadership (B.S.) - Leadership Specialization
Two students and a faculty member standing by a field flying a drone.
Agricultural Science (B.S.)
Student kneeling next to a cow.
Dairy Production (B.S.)
Student kneeling in grass taking a photo of plants with his phone.
Ecology and Environmental Science (B.S.)
Three students looking at plants in a lab.
Ecology and Environmental Science (B.S.) - Rangeland Ecology and Management Specialization