Criminal Justice minor

Serving the community with integrity.

The minor in criminal justice is designed for students seeking careers in probation, parole, court services, pre-law, private security or general law enforcement. This dynamic minor is administered by the School of Psychology, Sociology and Rural Studies and is available to students majoring in any field at SDSU. The purposes of this program are 1) to provide qualified personnel for all segments of the criminal justice system; and 2) to help improve the competence and professional status of existing criminal justice personnel. An internship is strongly recommended. Students desiring more information or who are interested in minoring in criminal justice should consult with the coordinator of the program no later than the beginning of their junior year.

Suggested Majors
Students standing at the entrance to a state park.
Conservation Planning and Park Management (B.S.) - Park Administration and Management Specialization
Students listening to a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officer.
Natural Resource Law Enforcement (B.S.)
Political Science
Political Science (B.A./B.S.)
Words in the shape of a brain associated to pscyhology - feeling, thought, story, experience, meaning, memory, longing, observation, belief, history, demeanor, sensation, ignorance, intuition, instinct, self-image, reflex.
Psychology (B.A./B.S.)
Students in class.
Sociology (B.S.) - Teaching Specialization