Informatics Minor Students

Bridge the future via computational and statistical thinking.

This minor provides students with a strong background in general informatics combined with advanced application in their specific major via coursework. Graduates will be prepared for 21st century technical skills including data warehousing, interpreting quantitative data and modeling mathematical and statistical tools and algorithms for the business, non-profit and government sectors.

Suggested Majors
Community and Regional Planning
Community and Regional Planning (B.S.)
Student and professor looking at a computer monitor.
Computer Science (B.S.)
solar panels on Daktronics Engineering Hall
Electrical Engineering (B.S.)
Electronics Engineering Technology (Students
Electronics Engineering Technology (B.S.)
Journalism (B.A./B.S.)
students in front of monitors
Mathematics (B.S.) - Data Science Specialization
Teaching mathematics. Students in class.
Mathematics (B.S.) - Teaching Specialization
Operations Management
Operations Management (B.S.)
Words in the shape of a brain associated to pscyhology - feeling, thought, story, experience, meaning, memory, longing, observation, belief, history, demeanor, sensation, ignorance, intuition, instinct, self-image, reflex.
Psychology (B.A./B.S.)