New Product and Venture Development Certificate

Turn ideas into action.

Explore the essential skills needed to take innovative and entrepreneurial ideas to the marketplace. Participate in creative thought processes, learn how to identify and pursue new business opportunities, apply entrepreneurial thinking to your own abilities and interests. 

Is it for you?
This program will be a good fit if you:
  • Enjoy experiential learning.
  • Interest in pursuing your own ideas.
  • Are self-motivated.
  • Are inquisitive and like to solve problems.
  • Like to tinker and build things.
Career Opportunities
Explore possible career opportunities with this degree:
  • Business ownership
  • New venture creation
  • New product development
  • Small business management
  • Venture planning and development
Suggested Majors
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (B.S.)
students learn in the eTrading lab
Agricultural Business (B.S.)
Students in Harding Hall
Business Economics (B.A./B.S.)
Dairy Manufacturing
Dairy Manufacturing (B.S.)
Agricultural Economics Students
Economics (B.S.) - Agricultural Economics Specialization
solar panels on Daktronics Engineering Hall
Electrical Engineering (B.S.)
Hospitality Management
Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management (B.S.)
Four students standing next to a vehicle students designed and built for NASA's Break the Ice Lunar Challenge.
Mechanical Engineering (B.S.)
View of strings inside a piano.
Music (B.A.) - Music Entrepreneurship Specialization
Nutrition & Dietetics
Nutrition and Dietetics (B.S.)
Students sitting at computers in a precision agriculture classroom listening to the instructor.
Precision Agriculture (B.S.)