FAQ about the Ag Museum

"Image of Ag Museum exterior."

Do you rent out the facility for private parties?

Yes (more information)

Is there admission?

No, but donations are welcome.

Is there parking available near the museum?

Yes. Parking is just west of the museum’s front doors or directly behind the museum. Parking passes are required Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Parking passes are free to all museum visitors and are available at the front desk. If you have a group, you can get parking passes emailed to you in advance for you to print and place in your car window. Just contact Gwen McCausland for parking passes.

Are you open year round?

Yes, We are open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays. Our Winter hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. We are closed Sundays January through March. We are also closed on State Holidays.

Do the students do the exhibits?

Under the direction of the professional staff, students do have opportunities to work on exhibits.

Are you part of the University?

Yes, the museum is a department within the South Dakota State University, the staff are employees of the Board of Regents.

Is this museum run by volunteers?

No, but we do utilize volunteers for many projects. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out a Volunteer Form.

Do you buy all this stuff?

The majority of our collection is donated. It is very rare for the museum to purchase artifacts.

Where’s my grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, etc. stuff they donated?

Acceptance of a donation does not guarantee that the item(s) will go on immediate exhibit or will ever go on exhibit. The majority of any museum’s collection is used for study and research. Students, professors, and researchers, use the museum’s collections on a daily basis. Rest assured that even though your donation may not be on exhibit, it is being properly preserved, stored and used for the benefit of future generations.

How did you get the Case Steam Engine into the building?

See 1915 Case Steam Engine page

Are you going to be getting a new building?

The museum is in need of expanding its collection storage and gallery space, but there is no definite plans on expanding. If you would like to donate money towards building a new museum, please contact our director, Gwen McCausland.

Exterior of the Ag Museum