Shimadzu UHPLC-AB Sciex QTRAP 5500 Mass Spectrometer System

Picture of Shimadzu UHPLC-AB Sciex QTRAP 5500 Mass Spectrometry System

About the QTRAP 5500

Core Campus Mass Spectrometry Facility

Interim Coordinator - Brian Logue
Phone: 605-688-6698

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Avera Health and Science Center, Room 131
Box 2202
South Dakota State University
Brookings, SD 57007


  • Mass Range: m/z 5-1,250
  • Resolution (m/Δm): 2,000
  • Accuracy: 1 ppm
  • Scan Speed: 20,000 Da/s
  • Polarity switching in 50 ms
  • Ionization Source: Electrospray Ionization
  • Mass Analyzer: Triple Quadrupole

Common Applications

  • Fast LC/MS
  • Metabolite Identification
  • Detection and confirmation of low level pesticides
  • Protein/peptide quantitation for biomarker verification and validation
  • Ultra-fast and selective MRM scans mean you can target and quantify thousands of compounds in a single analysis

Publications Using a QTRAP 5500

  • Appel, A.; McDonough, J.; McMonagle, J.; Logue, B. Analysis of nerve agent metabolites from nail clippings by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 2016, 88 (12), 6523-6530.
  • Stutelberg, M.; Dzisam, J.; Monteil, A.; Petrikovics, I.; Boss, G.; Patterson, S.; Rockwood, G.; Logue, B. Simultaneous determination of 3-mercaptopyrubate and cobinamide in plasma by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B 2016, 1008, 181-188.
  • Bhandari, R.; Manandhar, E.; Oda, R.; Rockwood, G.; Logue, B.; Simultaneous high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of cyanide and thiocyanate from swine plasma. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2014, 406 (3), 727-734.
  • Mitchell, B.; Rockwood, G.; Logue, B. Quantification of α-ketoglutarate cyanohydrin in swine plasma by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B 2013, 934, 60-65.
  • Peterson, K.; Cole-Dai, J.; Brandis, D.; Cox, T.; Splett, S. Rapid measurement of perchlorate in polar ice cores down to sub-ng L−1 levels without pre-concentration. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2015, 407 (26), 7965–7972.