Graduate Council

South Dakota State University Graduate Council

The SDSU Graduate Council was formed to help articulate a vision of excellence for the graduate community. Members provide quality control for all aspects of graduate education and maintain equitable standards across all academic disciplines. The Graduate Council helps define what Graduate education is and what it is not, bringing an institution-wide perspective to all post baccalaureate endeavors and providing an interdisciplinary perspective. The Graduate Council serves not only as an advocate for graduate education, but to enhance the intellectual community of scholars among both graduate students and faculty. Main goals include emphasizing the importance of adequately training graduate students and developing ways for graduate education to contribute to and enhance undergraduate education. The Graduate Council provides support for the Graduate School and serves as an advocate for issues and constituencies critical to the success of graduate programs.

Pink sky

2023-2024 Graduate Council Members

  • Nicole Lounsbery, Director of Graduate School
  • Kristi Tornquist, Dean of the Library
  • Benoit St Pierre, Associate Professor of Animal Science
  • Srinivas Janaswamy, Associate Professor of Dairy & Food Science
  • David Clay, Professor of Agronomy, Horticulture & Plant Science (Alternate)
  • Sharon Smith, Associate Professor of English & Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Zhiguang (Gerald) Wang , Professor of Ness School of Management & Economic
  • Paul Baggett, Associate Professor of English & Interdisciplinary Studies (Alternate)
  • Erin Lavender-Stott, Assistant Professor of Counseling & Human Development
  • Tony Durr, Assistant Professor, School of Educ, Counseling & HumanDev (Alternate)
  • Tim Hansen, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engr & Computer Science
  • Rouzbeh Ghabchi, Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering
  • Semhar Michael, Associate Professor of Mathematics & Statistics (Alternate)
  • Brian Logue, Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Xiuqing Wang, Professor in Biology and Microbiology
  • George White, Professor of Geography & Geospatial Sciences (Alternate)
  • Brandi Pravecek, Clinical Assistant Professor of Undergraduate Nursing
  • Brittany Brennan, Instructor of Undergraduate Nursing
  • Danielle Schievelbein, Assistant Professor/Honors Coordinator of Undergraduate Nursing (Alternate)
  • Josh Reineke, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Gudiseva Chandrasekher, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Jim Amell, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Clinical (Alternate)

Graduate Council Meeting Dates

Tuesdays, 3-5 p.m. on Zoom

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Associate Graduate Faculty Nomination

The Associate Graduate Faculty Nomination form should be used to nominate faculty who are not eligible for full graduate faculty status. Full graduate faculty status is given to faculty who are tenured or tenure track, with a rank of Assistant Professor or above.