Graduate School - A Year in Review

The Graduate School had a busy 2023 school year! Highlights include:

  • Welcome Back and End of the Year Ice Cream Socials for all graduate students celebrating new and returning students and those who graduated.
  • 30 students completed the Professional Development Program (PDP) which enhances both personal and professional skills.
    • The PDP received an overhaul during the summer and was rebranded the Graduate Professionalism Academy
  • Completed 3 fundraising initiatives raising a total of $6961 to provide funding for graduate student awards, scholarships and travel awards to be used during the next academic year.
    • One Day for State
    • Giving Tuesday
    • 30-day Spring fundraising campaign
  • Due to the generous donations we received, we were able to offer:
    • A new graduate student award, the Distinguished Innovation and Creative Work award, to showcase the outstanding contributions of a graduate student not completing a thesis or dissertation.
    • 2 Graduate Student Access Scholarships for those who do not have other sources of funding (assistantships, fellowships, etc.).
    • Supported 7 student travel awards to defray the cost of conference or event travel and participation.
  • Hosted 6 hybrid “What’s the Tea” events to provide students more information and access to the Graduate School staff.
  • Held the 7th annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition. Our winner, Maryam Wahab, Ph.D. candidate in Biological Sciences – Food Science, later represented SDSU at the regional Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS) competition.
  • Shelby Meeker (Duncan), M.S. Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering graduate and winner of our local Distinguished Master's Thesis Award was nominated and won the Regional Distinguished Master's Thesis Award.
  • Organized, in collaboration with the SDSU graduate programs, a virtual graduate fair and 6 graduate student forums providing key information to prospective graduate students
  • Celebrated our deserving students during Graduate Student Appreciation Week (April 3-7).
  • Hosted the inaugural Graduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Day (GRSCAD), boasting 34 poster presenters.
GRSCAD event
GRSCAD Poster Show
poster show
GRSCAD event
GRSCAD Poster Show
poster show
Poster presenters
GRSCAD Poster Show
Poster presenters
GRSCAD event
GRSCAD Recognition Event
recognition event
GRSCAD event - PDP awards
GRSCAD - PDP awards
PDP awards

2023 Accolades

2023 Awards and Scholarships

3 Minute Thesis Winners

  • Maryam Wahab, PhD Biological Sciences - Food Sciences - 1st Place
  • Kritika Gaba, MS Biological Sciences - Dairy Science - 2nd Place
  • Bhaswati Chowdhury, MS Biological Sciences - Dairy Science - 3rd Place

Distinguished Master's Thesis Award

  • Shelby Meeker (Duncan), MS Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering
    • Won the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools Distinguished Master's Thesis Award

Distinguished Dissertation Award

  • Dr. Deepak Joshi, PhD Plant Science

Joseph F. Nelson Graduate Scholarship (2)

  • Maral Afshinpour, PhD Biochemistry
  • Manisha Guha, PhD Biological Sciences - Microbiology

Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching Award

  • Joscelyne Larson, MS Mechanical Engineering

Distinguished Innovation and Creative Work Award

  • Bree Oatman, MS Chemistry - Chemistry Education

Graduate Access Scholarships

  • Alexis Cushman, MS Counseling & Human Resource Development - Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • Rezanoor Rahman, MEng Engineering

Graduate Student Travel Awards

  • Naeem Malik, PhD Geospatial Sciences & Engineering - Remote Sensing
  • Shahid Khan, PhD Geospatial Sciences & Engineering - Remote Sensing
  • Rishabh Bahl, PhD Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • James Van Westen, MArch Architecture
  • Astha Neupane, PhD Biological Sciences - Microbiology
  • Zeel Modi, MS Biological Sciences - Dairy Science
  • Jeffrey Tillery, MS Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences - Wildlife Science
Graduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Day
  • 34 poster participants
  • Honorable mention – Caitlyn Sullivan – MS Animal Science
  • 1st Place – Bree Oatman – MS Chemistry – Chemical Education
2022-23 Graduates
  • PhD - 38
  • DNP - 12
  • Master's - 335
  • Certificates - 20

Total - 405

HoboDay 2023
Hobo Day 2023
Hobo Day 2023
Ice Cream Social Fall 2023
Ice Cream Social
fall 2023 ice cream social
Holiday Sweaters
Holiday Sweaters
Graduate School office holiday sweaters