Strategic Plan - Imagine 2023

The 2018-2023 Strategic Plan for the College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions was developed with input from many constituencies including College faculty and staff, students and practitioners. The goals represent the College's commitment to excellence in teaching, research, service and patient care.

Strategic Goal 1: Meet the workforce needs with new or expanded high quality Medical Laboratory Science programs.
  • Execute the strategic enrollment plan for Medical Laboratory Science programs.
  • Engage campus and online students with effective active and innovative teaching and learning strategies.
  • Develop and implement a Masters degree in Medical Laboratory Science.
Strategic Goal 2: Grow the Masters of Public Health (MPH) program to respond to public health challenges.
  • Successfully complete the MPH program accreditation through the Council on Education for Public Health.
  • Create dual degree programs and/or specializations to meet the public health needs within the state and nation.
  • Expand postgraduate educational opportunities in public health.
Strategic Goal 3: Evolve the Pharm.D. curriculum to meet the changing needs of patients and the profession.
  • Implement, continually evaluate, and improve Curriculum 2022.
  • Engage students with effective active and innovative teaching and learning strategies.
  • Expand interprofessional education opportunities.
  • Increase student exposure to emerging practice areas.
Strategic Goal 4: Build on excellence in the Ph.D. program to meet the needs of the discipline.
  • Enhance education of Ph.D. students to meet the needs of the discipline.
  • Recruit ideal candidates and increase on-time graduation of Ph.D. students.
  • Increase engagement with alumni.
Strategic Goal 5: Expand postgraduate educational opportunities.
  • Create dual degree programs to meet health care needs within the state and nation.
  • Develop practice-based graduate/postgraduate programs to support innovative pharmacy practice.
  • Provide continuing professional development in skills needed for advanced practice.
Strategic Goal 6: Recruit a high quality and diverse student body.
  • Enhance recruitment efforts for the College.
  • Increase the recruitment of underrepresented populations.
Strategic Goal 7: Enhance student academic success.

Develop and implement a College Student Success Model.

Strategic Goal 8: Recruit, develop, and retain high quality faculty and staff.
  • Optimize faculty support for professional development.
  • Assess and improve start-up packages and faculty salaries and make market adjustments where necessary to produce parity with peer colleges/schools.
  • Create efficiency in the execution of our mission.
  • Promote a positive and healthy work environment, morale and well-being.
Strategic Goal 9: Increase pharmaceutical sciences-based innovative and translational research and scholarship.
  • Increase proportion of faculty assignments that support research and scholarship.
  • Enhance investment in research infrastructure.
  • Enhance interdisciplinary research.
  • Support industrial partnerships and collaborations to advance research commercialization.
  • Enhance visibility of the research program.
Strategic Goal 10: Increase practice-based research and scholarship.
  • Enhance faculty professional development for scholarly activity and dissemination.
  • Optimize allocated resources to facilitate scholarly activity.
  • Encourage faculty collaboration on practice-based scholarly endeavors.
  • Increase student participation in practice-based research and scholarship.
Strategic Goal 11: Innovate pharmacy practice.
  • Lead development of innovative practice as evidenced by scholarly dissemination.
  • Educate students and practitioners to enable the implementation of innovative practice strategies.
Strategic Goal 12: Evolve the respiratory care curriculum and grow the program to better align with changes in the profession.
  • Increase enrollment in the respiratory care program.
  • Evaluate and implement curriculum changes to better align with the respiratory care degree.
  • Successfully complete accreditation of the BS Upward Mobility degree through the Commission on Accreditation of Respiratory Care.