Excellence Through Transformative Education

Dairy Food Science DS 119 2021

Freshmen class of Dairy Production, Dairy Manufacturing, and Food Science majors at a local dairy on a field trip

  1. Achieve academic excellence
    • The department will build on its unique strength of “cow to table” programs.
    • Continually review and refine the curriculum for Dairy Production, Dairy Manufacturing, and Food Science in response to contemporary needs.
    • Foster professional development in faculty by encouraging application for leadership positions in professional organizations such ADSA, IFT, Central Plains Dairy Association, etc., and participation in workshops.
    • Successfully complete the Institute of Food Technologists Approval of the Food Science major by 2023.


  2. Affirm student success as a foundational priority
    • Develop leadership skills in students through educational, training, and Extension program activities.
    • Invite prospective employers to the department to interview students for internship and permanent positions.
    • Engage industry partners in Dairy and Food Science program development.
    • Promote high-quality advising and support system for students. Continue to engage with students through an established “open door” policy.


  3. Increase recruitment, retention, and graduation of professionally prepared global citizens
    • Increase undergraduate and maintain graduate student enrollment to meet the growing needs of the regional and national dairy and food industries.
    • Recruit and retain high-quality staff and faculty with expertise in dairy cattle nutrition, dairy herd management, dairy product processing, food science, plant management and food safety.

Goals & Strategies