2023 Election Results

2023 Election Results

During the 2023 Students' Association General Election 1,996 students placed their vote for the next student leaders of South Dakota State University. The election occurred on March 22 and 23 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Students could vote via online or in-person on the Market Stage. Below are the results and total votes each candidate received.

Vote Breakdown By College

  • 437 - College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
  • 540 - College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences
  • 252 - Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering
  • 278 - College of Education & Human Sciences
  • 228 - College of Natural Sciences
  • 185 - College of Nursing
  • 75 - College of Pharmacy & Allied Health Professions
  • 1 - Graduate School
  • 1996 - Total

President & Vice President Elect

Nick Grote & Trinity Peterson

Nick Grote & Trinity Peterson

Vote Received: 1213

Nick Grote and Trinity Peterson will serve as your next Student Body President and Vice President. They will be sworn in on Monday, April 3, 2023 during the Students' Association Senate meeting. They will serve for the 2023-2024 academic term and lead the Students' Association through many new adventures including the GAF Strategic Plan and other large discussions.

Learn More About Nick & Trinity

College Breakdown for Grote/Peterson

College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences: 260

College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences: 330

College of Education and Human Sciences: 190

College of Natural Sciences: 124

College of Nursing: 126

College of Pharmacy & Allied Health Professions: 41

Graduate School: 0

Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering: 142

Total: 1213

Presidential Candidate Hunter Eide and Vice Presidential Candidate Carter Howell received 783 votes.

College Breakdown for Eide/Howell

College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences: 280

College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences: 107

College of Education and Human Sciences: 88

College of Natural Sciences: 104

College of Nursing: 59

College of Pharmacy & Allied Health Professions: 34

Graduate School: 1

Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering: 110

Total: 783

College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Senators Elect

437 students voted in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Election.


Michael Garofalo

Year: Junior

Major: Political Science

Votes Received: 256

Michael Garofalo - AHSS Candidate

Hannah Dayaget

Year: Freshmen

Major: Global Studies & Poli Sci

Votes Received: 239

Hannah Dayaget - AHSS

Madeline Brink

Year: Sophomore

Major: Political Science

Votes Received: 233

Madeline Brink - AHSS

Katie Neuhaus

Year: Junior

Major: Criminology

Votes Received: 212

Katie Neuhaus - AHSS

Esther Ilunga received 162 votes.

Joseph Ulloa received 113 votes.

College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences Senators Elect

540 students voted in the College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences.

Tyler Rasmussen

Year: Sophomore

Major: Agricultural Business

Votes Received: 362

Tyler Rasmussen - CAFES

Grace Peterson

Year: Freshmen

Major: Agricultural Business

Votes Received: 336

Grace Peterson - CAFES

Kate Lorang

Year: Junior

Major: Agricultural Communication

Votes Received: 332

Kate Lorang - CAFES

Wesley Siira

Year: Freshmen

Major: Animal           Science

Votes Received: 308

Westley Siira - CAFES

Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering Senator Elect

252 students voted in the Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering.

Grant Sternhagen

Year: Sophomore

Major: Computer Sciences

Votes: Received: 208

Grant Sternhagen - Engineering

College of Natural Sciences Senators Elect

228 students voted in the College of Natural Sciences.

Mara Andersen

Year: Junior

Major: Human Biology

Votes Received: 154

Mara Andersen - CNS

Victoria Vazquez

Year: Freshmen

Major: Human Biology

Votes Received: 129

Victoria Vazquez - CNS

Hayden Bentz

Year: Freshmen

Major: Human Biology

Votes Received: 121

Hayden Bentz - CNS

College of Nursing Senators Elect

185 students voted in the College of Nursing.

Rylee Sabo

Year: Sophomore

Major: Nursing

Votes Received: 147

Rylee Sabo - Nursing

Ellie Ulvin

Year: Sophomore

Major: Nursing

Votes Received: 129

Ellie Ulvin - Nursing

Lindsay Condon

Year: Sophomore

Major: Nursing

Votes Received: 120

Lindsay Condon - Nursing

College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Senator Elect

75 students voted in the College of Pharmacy and Allied Health.

Skyler Doss

Year: Junior

Major: Pharmacy

Votes Received: 71

Skyler Doss - Pharmacy