Undergraduate Programs

Our programs include bachelor's degrees in chemistry, chemistry education, and biochemistry. The department also offers many courses designed for students majoring in other areas, including allied health, forensics, environmental science, materials science and quality control. Most of these choices can be made after the second year. The detailed curriculum is given in the current SDSU general catalog.

Check out course descriptions and program requirements for Chemistry and Biochemistry and Chemistry Education in the Online Catalog.

The Curriculum

Chemistry and biochemistry are central sciences because they form the basis for so many materials, processes and phenomena that are important in today’s society. They’re the sciences that study the composition, structure and properties of biological molecules, the reactions with which these substances interact, and how they impact living organisms. A fundamental understanding of chemistry and biochemistry is necessary not only for a career in the field but in essentially any technical or bio-technical field you may enter. Either makes a great major for someone wanting to pursue a career in medicine, dentistry, chiropractic medicine or veterinary science.

An Interdisciplinary Major

The chemistry and biochemistry majors combines advanced biochemistry, chemistry and advanced biology coursework to create two truly interdisciplinary majors. It is much more than simply a chemistry major with a biology minor or a biology major with a chemistry minor—it’s an integrated understanding of how the molecular basis for all things biological.

A Complete Undergraduate Education

Our majors receive a combination of strong science-rich classes, a broad general education and hands-on learning experiences. You’ll take classes in the social and natural sciences, math, humanities and fine arts, in addition to gaining those valued technical skills employers look for. Undergraduate research is a graduation requirement that will introduce you to applying skills to real-world applications. When you graduate from our department you are not only well prepared to take the next step in your career, you have completed an outstanding undergraduate education.

Ready for the Future

Because your university education is grounded in the arts and sciences, you’ll be able to place your knowledge into the broader context and communicate that understanding to society. Over the last 10 years, our majors have achieved a 100 percent placement in graduate and professional schools because they have already demonstrated their problem solving skills and are ready to "do" real science.

Who are chemists and biochemists?

Problem solvers. Curious. Creative. Skilled in the academic and the practical.

Chemists and biochemists give us the tools to produce new and safe vaccines and to understand the causes of disease. They design and create new bio-materials or help develop new bio-based fuels.

Chemists and biochemists connect us with the future by identifying and using new ideas. They bring science to the needs of our changing world.

And the world is better because of what chemists and biochemists create. Why? Because they are the innovators, the discoverers, and the creators of the future. Like the field itself, their success is all around us, making our lives easier, more productive, and more enjoyable.

You, too, can become a part of the exciting future of chemistry and biochemistry. It takes work and desire but there’s a world of things yet to be discovered and they could be discovered by you!