In the Department of Geography and Geospatial Sciences, we have three computer labs to support our teaching and research: a GIS lab, a remote sensing lab, and a physical geography lab. In addition, we also have a multi-functional classroom equipped with several computers. 

The GIS lab is located in Wecota Hall, room 014. The lab has 20 HP computers with dual monitors and uses the latest versions of ESRIs ArcGIS and ERDAS Inc. IMAGINE software and some other open-source software such as QGIS, GRASS GIS, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, and R. The lab also has Trimble and Garmin GPS units as well as a large size plotter. The GIS lab is primarily used for introductory and upper-level GIS courses. 

The remote sensing lab has 20 computers that are installed with the latest versions of remote sensing software such as ERDAS, ENVI, Google Earth and ArcGIS products. This lab is used for various remote sensing courses in the department. 

The physical geography lab has about 26 computers equipped with various GIS software (e.g., ArcGIS, Google Earth). This lab is primarily reserved for the physical geography courses in the department. We also have other equipment (e.g., sandbox) in this lab for the students to do experiments in physical geography. 

Lastly, the multi-functional classroom also has 11 computers with all types of GIS/remote sensing software. We primarily use this classroom for upper-level GIS/remote sensing courses. 

Computer Labs