Our department has three computer servers hosted in the university data center to support our teaching and research. The three servers are using Windows Server operating systems and are equipped with various GIS and remote sensing software (e.g., ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Server, GeoServer, Apache HTTP Server, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, QGIS, GRASS GIS and so forth). Specifically, one server is reserved for teaching and the other two for research computing.

Teaching Server

We are using one server for our upper-level GIS courses such as GEOG 473/573 GIS Data Creation and Integration and GEOG 477/577 Spatial Databases. This server is primarily managed by the course instructor and can be used to provide a client/server computing environment for our upper-level GIS courses. 

Research Servers

We have two servers allocated to support our faculty and students' research. Specifically, one server is an internal server (restricted to campus IP), and the other one is open to the public. We perform system testing on the internal server before we deploy any web applications on the public server. 

Stock image of a globe with multiple server racks behind it