High Performance Computing

In the Department of Geography and Geospatial Sciences, our faculty and students can access high-performance computing (HPC) resources through the University Networking and Research Computing Group (UNRC). UNRC hosts a 70+ node Linux compute cluster, as well as several individual shared-use Linux servers in the SDSU Data Center for research computing on campus. Each server has 12 processors and 48 GB RAM; a few of the nodes also have Nvidia Tesla Graphics Processing cards for GPU computational acceleration.

UNRC maintains an IBM iDataPlex Linux cluster with 70+ nodes for general research computing use for SDSU researchers. Open-source computational applications and frameworks such as R, Python, C/C++ code with MPI, etc., as well as several bioinformatics applications have been deployed on the cluster. SDSU also holds a campus site license for MATLAB. 

Moreover, storage solutions are available to enable researchers to securely store and share data in a collaborative environment. Faculty can purchase multiple terabytes of space, as needed, and can utilize Globus Online, a fast and powerful file transfer service, for moving large files to and from the HPC systems.

Our faculty and students can use the HPC resources to process and analyze big spatial data (e.g., remote sensing data, social media data). More details on how to access these resources can be found on the UNRC