Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization Club

Students with their teacher

What is the CEO Club?

The Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization (CEO)'s mission is to inform, support and inspire SDSU students to be entrepreneurial and seek opportunities through enterprise creation. In addition to providing a peer support system for students who are interested in entrepreneurship, CEO Club provides opportunities for networking, leadership development and hands-on experience.

The club brings in speakers, attends the national and regional Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization annual conferences, and tours a variety of entrepreneurial businesses.

By attending CEO Club meetings, you will also get to know a number of entrepreneurially motivated students with a diverse array of specializations and interests. CEO Club welcomes a wide variety of members, including those from Engineering, graduate programs and Entrepreneurial Studies.

What does it cost to join the CEO Club?

CEO club is currently at no cost to any student looking to join!


When does CEO Club meet?

Contact CEO President

Officer Team


Marrisa Vogt

Vice President

Kyle Nordling

Club Advisor

Barb Heller

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