Economics Club Members Spring 2021
Economics Club Members 

What is the Econ Club?

Join the Economics Club for an opportunity to get involved on campus. While providing information about specific industries, local jobs, and internships, club activities give you the chance to meet potential employees and fellow students in an exciting atmosphere.

In particular, the Econ Club offers the opportunity to network in a casual setting with other students who share your academic and/or professional interests. Every year the Club visits at least one major city; past destinations include San Diego, Chicago, Des Moines, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, New York, Omaha, St. Louis and Winnipeg.

What does it cost to join the Econ Club?

Club dues are $20 for the entire year. You may pay cash or check (made payable to the SDSU Economics Club) at the Ness School of Management and Economics main office in Harding Hall. You may also hand your payment to a member of the officer team at our monthly Econ Club meeting.

How can I get involved in the Econ Club?

Attend our monthly meeting, which we advertise around campus, and join the club listserv to receive club-related news and information about upcoming events. If you would like us to add you to or remove you from our listserv, please email Eli Kosse. At each meeting, we host a guest speaker to share his/her insights into their industry, current responsibilities, career path, and job/internship opportunities available for economics majors. We also share information about upcoming social events and meetings, award door prizes and provide free food.

When do we meet?

The Economics Club meetings for Fall 2022 will be on the last Monday of the month from 5 - 6 p.m. in Harding Hall 025.Email Eli Kosse with any questions.

SDSU Economics Club Logo
Economics Club Members
Officer Team


Bailey Miculinich

Vice President

Luke LaRock


Nathan Price

Club Advisor

Eli Kosse

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