Hatch Projects, Grants and Contracts

Current Hatch projects, conducted through the Agricultural Experiment Station and grants and contracts awarded to faculty members are listed below by title with the principal investigator or collaborator following.


  • Agricultural Trade and Public Policies: Economic Effects in the Northern Great Plains, Evert Van Der Sluis
  • Economics of Food and Food Assistance Programs, David Davis
  • Evolving Agriculture Institutions and Economic Performance, Matthew Elliott
  • Managing Complex Agricultural Portfolio Rish, Lisa Elliot
  • Impact Analyses and Decision Strategies for Agricultural Research (NC1034), Deepthi Kolady
  • Understanding the drivers and assessing the impacts of technology adoption and diffusion in the food and agribusiness sector, Deepthi Kolady
  • EFNEP Related Research, Program Evaluation and Outreach (NC3169), Andrea Leschewsi
  • Food Insecurity, Andrea Leschewski

Research Grants and Contracts

  • Com Optimizing Production, Tong Wang
  • Dykhouse Scholar Program: Money, Banking and Regulation, Joseph Santos
  • Economics of WIC and Infant Formula Markets, David Davis
  • Grazing Practices, Tong Wang
  • Meandering Water, Matthew Elliott
  • Rangeland Heterogeneity, Tong Wang
  • SDDOR - AgLand Use - FY 18-19, Matthew Elliott
  • Soil Health Economics in South Dakota, Tong Wang
  • Ever Acre Counts: Promotion, Implementation and Assessment, Matthew Diersen
  • The Profitability and Viability of Sustainable Agricultural Practices for South Dakota Farmers and Ranchers Frontiers in On-Farm Experimentation (NC1210) Sarah Sellars