
Ness School of Management and Economics
South Dakota State University

Teaching Responsibilities:

  • ECON - 201 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON - 431 Managerial Economics
  • ECON - 707 Research Methods in Applied Economics
  • DSCI - 424 Operations Research

Research Interests:

  • Industrial Organization
    • The effect of WIC on the industrial organization of infant formula markets
    • Food Prices and government policy
    • Economic geography of industrial location
  • Empirical Microeconometrics
    • Applications of panel data methods to empirical investigations of industrial organization and market power
    • Cross-section and time-series data methods


Journal Articles

  • "Buyer Alliances As Countervailing Power in WIC Infant-Formula Auctions," Review of Industrial Organization, 2014, vol. 45(2), 121-38.
  • "Bidding for WIC Infant Formula Contracts: Do Non-WIC Customers Subsidize WIC Customers?" American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2012, vol. 94(1) WIC Bidding
  • "Prices, Promotions, and Supermarket Mergers," Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization: 2010, Vol. 8(1). Supermarket
  • "Milk Marketing Orders: Who Wins and Who Loses?" Choices, 2010, vol. 25(2), MMO1
  • "Milk Marketing Order Winners and Losers", Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 2010, vol. 32(1), MMO
  • "Fat Taxes: Big Money for Small Change," Forum for Health Economics and Policy, 2007, vol. 10(2) Fat Tax
  • "Labor-Force Heterogeneity as a Source of Agglomeration Economies in an Empirical Analysis of County-Level Determinants of Food Plant Entry" Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 30(3), December 2005, Food Plants
  • "Price Dispersion and Accessibility: A Case Study of Fast Food", Southern Economic Journal, 2005, vol. 71 (4), Dispersion
  • "Wages in Rail Markets: Deregulation, Mergers and Changing Networks Characteristics", Southern Economic Journal, 2003, vol. 69(4), Rail Wages
  • "Deregulation, Mergers, and Employment in the Railroad Industry", Journal of Regulatory Economics, 1999, vol. 15(1), Rail Employment

U.S. Government and National Academies Reports

  • Review of WIC Food Packages: Proposed Framework for Revisions: Interim Report (2015), Kathleen M. Rasmussen, Marie E. Latulippe, and Ann L. Yaktine, editors; Committee to Review WIC Food Packages, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Food Nutrition Board.
  • Review of WIC Food Packages: An Evaluation of White Potatoes in the Cash Value Voucher: Letter Report (2015), Kathleen M. Rasmussen, Marie E. Latulippe, and Ann L. Yaktine, Editors; Committee to Review WIC Food Packages; Food and Nutrition Board; Institute of Medicine.
  • "Manufacturers' Bids for WIC Infant Formula Rebate Contracts, 2003-2013", EIB-142, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, July 2015.
  • "Recent Trends and Economic Issues in the WIC Infant Formula Rebate Program," U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Economic Research Report Number 22, August 2006, WIC Rebates
  • "Interstate Variation in WIC Food Package Costs: The Role of Food Prices, Caseload Composition, and Cost-Containment Practices" US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Report Number 41, January 2005, WIC Food Package
  • “Changing Consumer Demands Create Opportunities for U.S. Food System.” Food Review, United States Department of Agriculture, v. 25, n. 1, Spring 2002
  • "Farm Business Practices Coordinate Production with Consumer Preferences.” Food Review, United States Department of Agriculture, v. 25, n. 1, Spring 2002.

Works in Progress

  • The Effect of SNAP Benefits for Food Insecurity
Aerial view of campus
Contact Information

South Dakota State University
Ness School of Management and Economics
246 Harding Hall
Brookings, SD 57007
Phone: 605-688-4859

e-mail Dr. Davis

Professor Davis
David Davis