Zhiguang (Gerald) Wang

Zhiguang (Gerald) Wang
DuBois Professor of Business Finance and Investments, Ph.D., CFA
Box 2220, Harding Hall (SHH) 125
Ness School of Management and Economics
South Dakota State University
Phone: 605-688-4861

Current Teaching

  • Fall 2023: Business Finance (FIN310), Investments (FIN411/511)
  • Summer 2023: Business Finance (FIN310)
  • Spring 2024: Student Managed Investment Fund (FIN4/520)

Past Teaching (Fall 2009-Spring 2023)

  • Business Finance (FIN310, Face-to-Face, Online and Hybrid)
  • Financial Management (ECON610)
  • Investments (FIN411/511, ECON792)
  • Student Managed Investment Fund (FIN4/520)
  • Principle of Macroeconomics (ECON202)


Research Interests

  • Asset pricing
  • Financial and Commodity Derivatives
  • Volatility
  • Machine Learning
  • Market Microstructure
  • Non-Gaussian Distributions and Processes


(*graduate advisee / student)

Working Papers

  • Wang (2009). How does the Market Price Risks: Evidence from Stock Options.

Work in Progress

  • VIX futures and options
  • High-Frequency Trading
  • Market Microstructure
  • Volatility of Commodities
  • Commodity Futures and Options Pricing
  • Volatility Prediction with Machine Learning